Chapter 22: An Uchiha is Born [Naruto]

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I sat with Rin outside on a hill overlooking the compound. She sat on my lap resting against her head against my chest, my vest shielding her from the slight wind. Sasuke was at school and Itachi was out on a mission and I needed to speak with Rin away from everyone.

“Rin?” She nodded slightly in response.

“I want to give you something” I pushed her up slightly so she was sitting up and I slipped off my wedding ring. I noticed the confusion cross her eyes as I held it up to her.

“You’re wedding ring? Dad…”

“Just let me finish” She sighed but nodded.

“It’s your decision to take this because with it I need you to promise me something” She looked up at me then meeting my gaze.

“What is it?”

“First I want to say is that I have never been more proud of one of my children.” She smiled slightly then.

“This is why I know I can ask this of you” She looked at me curiously and I released a slow breath.

“I want you to promise me that no matter what hardships you may face, and no matter what life throws at you, you will always find a reason to smile and you will always protect your brothers” She raised her eyebrow slightly.

“But Dad you’ve always said that I could never be like Itachi and Sasuke” I sighed slightly.

“Because I want you to be better. You are my daughter and you hold the potential to be the true Uchiha prodigy.” I smiled slightly.

“You are the light in the Uchiha darkness, and that is how I know that you will able to keep this promise if you chose to make it.” She smiled then pushing back her hair.

“I promise Daddy” I smiled then as I looped the ring on a silver chain and slipped it around her neck fastening the back.

“I love you Rin” She smiled then as she leaned up and hugged me tightly.

“I love you to Daddy” She whispered back as I returned her hug. It was a lot of me to ask of her, I knew it was but I could feel something was coming. After all, even through all our fights and differences, she is and will always be my little girl.



We had gotten back to the compound only a few hours ago. Now I was pacing in my bedroom. I knew I had to say something but I didn’t know how. I released a slow breath then as I touched the chained ring that father had given me the other day. I had promised him that I would protect both my brothers. No matter what. With that in mind I finally opened my door and walked to the kitchen. Father and Mother both looked up at me.

“I need to speak with father, alone please” Mom smiled and nodded as Father got to his feet.

“Alright” He lifted me into his arms then and carried me back to my room. He closed the door before placing me on my bed and taking a seat in front of me.

“What is it?” I looked down at my hands for a moment.

“I-I’ve been lying to you, a-and the clan to protect someone. I-I thought I was doing the right thing but now I don’t know anymore. I keep getting these horrible dreams and I have an uneasy feeling and it won’t go away and I think it all has to do with how Itachi’s been acting lately.”

“What have you been lying about? And who are you protecting?” I fell silent then and father lifted my chin so I was now looking straight up at him.

“Rin you can trust me, I’m your father.” I released another breath then.

“Shisui didn’t kill himself, I watched him as he was killed.” I noticed his eyes widen in alarm then.

“Who killed him? Rin you have to tell me please, who killed him?” I bit my lip slightly and I could feel a few tears escaping my eyes.

“Itachi, Itachi killed Shisui and I was there and I watched him and I was scared, I didn’t know what to do! But he’s been acting so strange and I’ve just been trying to protect him.”

“No, no it’s okay Rin. Its okay, its good you told me.” I nodded slightly as he wiped my tears away.

“Now you said you were having dreams and an uneasy feeling and that you think it has to do with how Itachi is acting. What do you think is going to happen?” I released another breath then as I pushed back my hair.

“Rin what do you think is going to happen?” I finally met his gaze then watching his expressions and sucking in a slow breath.

“I think the clan is in danger.”


“I think the Clan is in danger” It was if on cue an explosion went off somewhere within the compound.

“What the…” Rin’s bedroom door flew open then and Mikoto ran in.

“Fugaku were under attack!” I nodded then as I lifted Rin into my arms and held her close.

“Rin activate your sharingan and keep it activated until it’s safe again” I instructed her. She nodded then and her dark eyes faded to an intense blazing red with two tomes in each eyes.

“Alright let’s go” I took Mikoto’s hand and led her through the house out onto the main walk. Other Uchiha were running to the direction of the attack to fight whatever or whoever was attacking the compound.

“Setsuna!” He slid to a stop, his sharingan eyes facing mine.

“I’ve sent Kai and Jiro to block off the northeast and northwest. Were trying to keep them or him or whatever it is contained but I haven’t heard word from them”

“Alright I need you to see if Sasuke is anywhere within the compound walls. If he is take him to the main hall of Nakamo shrine. Rin will already be there.” He nodded then.

“Yes sir!” With that he ran off in the opposite direction. I broke into a run with Mikoto until finally we got to the shrine. I walked quickly to the seventh tatami mat on the far right and pushed it open.

“This is the clan’s secret gathering place. You’ll be safe here.” I told her as I slipped her into the passage.

“Wait Dad I want to fight!” I smiled slightly and shook my head.

“No, not this time Rin. Stay here and don’t come out till it’s safe and just in case here, you know how to use this, keep your sharingan activated and…” She gently pushed away my hand before I could hand her a kunai.

“Dad” She lifted her dress slightly revealing a kunai pouch around her thigh.

“I already have some” I smiled slightly hugging her one last time as Mikoto joined in.

“Stay safe my little angel” She whispered to her.

“I love you” We released her then and I noticed the tears in her sharingan eyes.

“I love you to Mommy” I smiled as Mikoto kissed her forehead and she looked at me.

“I love you Daddy” I nodded then smiling slightly.

 “I love you to my little girl.” She smiled slightly then and lowered herself more into the passage. I took a final look at her as she sat down before finally pulling the tatami mat hiding the opening. She was safe, and Sasuke would be safe from whatever or whoever this was. That’s all that mattered.

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