Chapter 30: An Uchiha is Born [Naruto]

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 So of course Pein hadn’t been to happy I didn’t complete the mission but he was the one who chose not to tell me that I was going after a host. Still I had to endure a week of intense training. Now I was laying on my bed resting from that week. I had also spoken to Itachi as to what happened on the mission when I touched hands with Gaara. There had been a spark in his eyes. Like he had known something. He made me swear not to mention it to anyone else. I still thought it was nothing, well nothing important at least. I sat up slightly on my elbows when I heard a knock at my door.

 “Who is it?” I called.

 “Itachi” I sighed slightly.

 “Come in” I let myself fall back into my pillows as the door opened and then closed a few seconds later. I felt a weight on the end of my bed.

 “You’re an odd visitor. I half expected it to be Pein”

 “I needed to talk to you” I sat up then and raised my eyebrow at him but he remained staring at the opposite wall.

 “What is it?” He fell silent after that almost like he couldn’t find the words until finally he met my gaze.

 “I need you to return to the leaf” I laughed slightly like he was joking but he made no motion to say he was.

 “Your serious?” He nodded.

 “Itachi I’m a criminal…”

 “They don’t know that, no one knows that.”

 “Yeah but I…”

 “Sasuke needs you right now more than I do.” I stopped talking then as I felt the harsh tug in my heart from hearing his name. It’s been six years without Sasuke. Six long years.

 “He wouldn’t even recognize me and he probably hates…”

“He could never.” I sighed crossing my legs and running hand through my hair. It was short now, about shoulder length instead of to my waist. Thanks to intense training. I had missed a block and Pein had got a good portion of my hair so I had to cut the rest. I had come close to tears; since the reason I had kept my hair so long was because my mother loved it long. It was like keeping part of her with me.

 “Rin” I snapped from my thoughts and  met Itachi’s gaze once more.

 “It’s time you went back. This life isn’t one you ever wanted and this will give you the chance to be somewhat normal” I laughed grimly.

 “I’m an Uchiha who so happens to have been the first female to develop the sharingan. I ran away from my village to hunt to my older brother at five. By seven I had become the apprentice of one of the seven swordsmen of the mist. Adding on to that I’m also an eleven year old assassin in the bingo book whose part of the Akatsuki and is considered an S-Rank criminal in some countries. Yeah Itachi I’m very normal.” He sighed again as he ran a hand through his hair.

 “Regardless you should go back, if not for yourself then for Sasuke.” I sighed again pondering this for a moment before looking at him.

 “Fine.” He nodded then.

“Meet me at the back entrance tonight and be ready. Pein and Madara will be leaving a few hours prior to nightfall. This will be you’re only chance to have a clean escape.” I nodded.

 “I’ll be ready” He stood then and silently left my room. I sighed as I fell back into my bed. I guess this was it. I’m going home. I realized then I may have been reluctant but now I found myself smiling slightly at the thought of the event. I was finally going back home.

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