Chapter 17: An Uchiha is Born [Naruto]

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I hadn't gotten into too much trouble from that day. I didn't even leave the village I had just gone to the lake and met up with Jazmine for a while. I apologized to my cousins and they let me hang around the dock with her until around midnight. I found myself spending more time with Sasuke than with Itachi now or with Shikamaru, Jazmine or Kakashi and sometimes even Suki when she wasn't on missions. Today was one of those days with Suki who, on the order of Itachi, was teaching me basic medical ninjutsu. She was one of the few that knew of my Sharingan.

"Okay Rin focus. Medical ninjutsu is harder because unlike normal ninjutsu your sharingan can't simply copy it and have the same results" I nodded slightly but that doesn't mean it didn't help. The fish I had been holding my hands over suddenly jumped back to life and into the pond. I grinned as I wiped my forehead and looked at Suki.

"Excellent! You got that faster than I did when I first started" I stuck my tongue out at her and grinned.

"It's cause I'm an Uchiha, I'm naturally brilliant" She laughed slightly.

"And naturally humble" I grinned as I pushed back my hair.

"So what's next?"

"What about a break? I hear you have a sweet tooth for Mochi ice cream?" I grinned then and nodded.

"I have a sweet tooth for anything but Itachi says I should eat healthier to keep my strength up" Suki giggled then.

"Then we'll just have to make sure he doesn't find out" I laughed and nodded in agreement as I took her hand and followed her from the room.

"Do you want to go get Sasuke?" I shook my head.

"Nah, he doesn't like sweet things"


I watched Rin as she ate her ice cream. It concerned me that she spent so much time training and it concerned even more that she carried herself so well for a five year old. In her eyes you could see experience, strength and knowledge and so many things that shouldn't be seen until one is a much older ninja. She was mature for her age, very mature and I could oddly enough describe her as beautiful which made me wonder if she would be breath taking once she grew. Maybe it was just the Uchiha in her.

"Rin are you happy?" She looked up at me and grinned.

"Course I am" I smiled slightly.

"I mean are you happy with all this training and studying. You don't have time to hang out with your friends. I haven't seen you with Shikamaru or Jazmine for days now and…"

"Suki its okay" She interrupted. She sighed pushing her bangs out of her eyes.

"I mean sure I miss hanging out with Jazz, Shika and Choji and Shino and Kiba and Naruto and yeah sometimes I miss seeing Sakura and Ino fight over my brother but this is what's going to help me in the future"

"In the future?" She shrugged then. She wanted to be strong but she wanted to be strong to protect those around her.

"You know Rin, even your friends can help you in the future" She nodded slightly as she pushed back her hair.

"Hey Rin!" We both looked up as a girl and boy with blond hair ran towards us.

"Hey Jazz, Naruto what's up?" They slid to a top next to or table.

"A bunch of us are going to Ichiraku ramen. You know like Kiba, Shikamaru, Choji even Shino and Sasuke are going and I think Ino, Hinata and Sakura are coming too so you won’t be the only girl this time" Naruto explained.

"I would but I have to…"

"Please Rin you never hang out with us anymore" Jazmine complained pulling on Rin's arm. I noticed the matching silver braceletts on there wrists and couldn't help but smile; friendship braceletts.

"Go ahead Rin" She looked at me and I smiled.

"We can train tomorrow morning, you can have the rest of the day off" She smiled as she stood up and bowed slightly.

"Thanks Suki sensei" I smiled slightly as I ruffled her hair.

"No problem Rin, now go on" Naruto took her hand and pulled her from the store with Jazmine running after them. I smiled slightly, she needed this.

"You know my father wouldn't approve this" I sighed then.

"Your father is also an uptight prick Itachi; he needs to go easy on Rin just like you do and another thing why isn't Sasuke going through all this?" I stood up and followed Itachi from the store.

"Sasuke isn't like Rin"

"Sasuke isn't like you or Rin and Rin isn't like you. I don't know about you but I see a never ending chain here."

"The most ninjutsu training Rin has is medical. Father has been training Sasuke which is why he doesn't train Rin" I nodded slightly. So for him, even after all this, he still relied on his boys.

"Why do you want me to train Rin so badly?" He sighed then.

"Because she needs to be prepared for the future" I frowned then as I crossed my arms.

"Jeez you know you’re a huge influence on her, do you have any idea how much she sounds like you? It's uncanny." He sighed again.

"I know and it makes me worry" He put his hands in his pockets and finally looked at me.

"I'm going to trust you with something that I really feel that I'm taking a big risk here"

"Your faith in my abilities is kind of insulting" He sighed.

"Rin and Sasuke, I'm trusting you with Rin and Sasuke."

"What do you mean you’re trusting me with me Rin and Sasuke?" He ran a hand through his hair as he met my gaze.

"If anything were to happen to me or to my family then I want you to swear to me that no matter what you will protect Rin and Sasuke with your life" I stared at him looking for hint of a joke but he was serious.

"I know this is a lot to ask Suki but I need someone I can trust and right now since Shisui committed suicide you’re the only friend I have left" I nodded slightly and pushed back a strand of hair.

"Okay" I looked up at him and smiled slightly.

"I promise to protect Rin and Sasuke even if it costs me my life" He nodded believing my words and both of us knew I'd keep that promise.

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