Chapter 6: An Uchiha is Born [Naruto]

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I woke up blinking a few times before realizing it was dark out. I glanced to my left and then to my right. Both Shikamaru and Jazmine were soundly asleep on the bench to. I sighed as I pushed aside my bangs and shook him gently.

"Shika, Jazmine, get up, it's late!" They both woke up slowly this time and sat up looking around.

"Jeez my dad's going to kill me" I took his hand and pulled him off the bench, Jazmine had already jumped to her feet.

"C'mon if we hurry you might not get in to much trouble!" I lead them back through the village running quickly as we cut through allies and streets and finally got to Shikamaru’s house.

"Sorry if you get in trouble Shika" He shrugged.

"I don't mind, do you want me to walk you home?" I giggled slightly and shook my head.

"Nah, I'll be fine besides I have Jazmine with me. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He nodded and I leaned up giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before running off down the street with Jazmine.

“I think he likes you” She stated simply pushing back her blonde hair.

“We just met.” She shrugged.

“Where do you live?” I asked.

“Along the way to the compound” I nodded thankful it wasn’t too far. It was already dark and most of the streets were empty. It had an eerie feeling. I slowed to a walk and caught Jazmine’s wrist as I finally stopped.

“What is it?” She questioned.  I felt something, faint, as if it was trying to hide but I knew it was there.

"So you’re the little Princess that he's so interested in hm?" I heard a dark laugh and turned on my heel pushing Jazmine behind me. Only a few feet in front of me stood a man in a black cloak with red clouds covering it. He looked up his yellow eyes likes snakes as they peered down at me.

"You don't look like much Princess" I backed up as fear began to take over my mind making sure that Jazmine followed my movements.

"Wh-Who are you?" He laughed again.

"That's not important Princess" I turned to run but slammed into someone and soon after I felt a hand grasp tightly around my wrist. I looked up at the man, his eyes orange reminding me slightly of the sharingan.

"Let's not drag this out longer than it has to be Orochimaru." I heard a sigh from behind me.

"I still don't understand why he sent the both of us to retrieve a child"

"He assumed she wouldn't be away from her brother. We could have had some trouble then."

"Well we have her, let's go then"

"Itachi will kill you if you take me!" I finally found my voice but only to threaten them with the strength of my brother. The man that held my arm laughed.

"Your brother isn't here now is he Princess?" I began to struggle then, trying to get free and heard him sigh.

"Struggling is…" I raised my foot then, as hard as I could into his groin. He released then and I didn't take time to see if he was down as I took Jazmine’s hand and broke into a run.

"You little brat! They didn't expect me to fight back, that's the only reason I could have actually landed a hit on that guy.

“Jazmine get on my back!” I directed as I saw a wall coming up in front of us.


“Just do it!” I was lucky she was smaller and lighter than me as I hooked my arms around her legs and brought my hands together just as Itachi had taught me. Thanks to him I had tapped into my chakra network earlier than most and I was thankful for that as I jumped from the ground and ran straight up the wall. I managed to grab to the edge of the ceiling and jumped on top. I smirked as I looked back. I guess that was all it took to lose those guys.

“Whoa what was that?” Jazmine asked as I let her down.

“Chakra” I said simply.

"Such impressive chakra skill for someone so young" I looked back and the man with orange eyes stood before me. I felt something around my ankle a second later I slammed into a wall. The next impact was falling onto the road below me. I groaned in pain as I pushed myself up. I ignored my body's protest and tired to too ignore the blood that ran down the side of my face as I rose to my feet again. I could hear slight cracks as I began moving and I knew I was putting strains on already damaged and fragile bones. I tumbled forward and released a harsh scream when a sharp pain shot through my leg.

“Rin!” I heard Jazmine shout.

“H-Hey let me…” But her shouting was cut off and I as looked up through blurry eyes I could see that one of the men had Jazmine unconscious under his arm.

"Now don't make this any harder Princess" I was breathing hard as I looked down at my leg only to find a kunai lodged into my leg. I reached down and grasped the handle tightly. One, two and on three I pulled it out and threw it to the side. I had no other choice, I had to do something.

"Itachi! Sasuke! Kakashi! Somebody!" The man, Orochimaru if I recalled correctly, punched my stomach sending me sliding across the pavement. I gasped for air as I struggled to inhale.

"H-Help" I tried to shout. I braced myself as he reached for me but a kunai sliced across his hand. The three of us turned to the direction it had come from and there stood Kakashi.

"You think you can stop us boy!?" He pulled out another kunai ready for the fight. I tried to walk forward only to be pulled back.

"Not so fast Princess your coming with me" I felt a needle pierce through the skin of my neck and cool liquid shoot into my body. At first it stung but soon I felt nothing. I could feel my eyes slowly falling closed as the coolness spread throughout my body.

"K-Kakashi…" My voice came out in barely a whisper as Kakashi's figure became blurred and finally the creeping the darkness consumed me.


I saw Rin fall and one of the men caught her before she hit the ground. He lifted her and hid her within his cloak before looking at the other man who held the blonde girl, Jazmine, which I recognized from earlier.

"Let's not waste our time with this one" He nodded and I ran forward only to be blocked by a wall of smoke.

"Rin!" I ran through it trying to find them, trying to find Rin but the moment it cleared they were already gone.

"Dammit" I cursed under my breath. I broke into a full sprint towards the Uchiha compound. The Princess was my first concern, they needed to know and they needed to know now. I couldn't take care of two s-rank criminals by myself and depending on what they wanted with Rin, well, she may not survive very long. I flew past the two guards and to the main house. I slammed into the door and broke it down causing me to fall on to their floor. I pushed myself up and noticed them all look at me. Itachi was first to rise.

"Kakashi, what's wrong?" I tried to catch my breath as I spoke to him.

"Th-they took her, they took her!" I knew I wasn't making sense but it was hard to when your mind was in a frenzy.

"Who took who?"

"We need to get her back, we have to, before it's too late!" Fugaku took hold of my shoulders and shook me once before looking straight into my eye.

"Who do we need to get back Kakashi what happened?" He demanded.

"The Akatsuki, two of them, they took her! She didn't have a chance!"

"Who do they have!?" I could hear the urgency in Fugaku's voice and already heard Mikoto begin to cry as she already discovered the answer.

"Rin…" I finally breathed out.

"The Akatsuki took Rin"

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