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I remember the first day I saw you

I remember seeing your black hair and dreamy brown eyes

And I remember the more I saw you the more I started feeling something

I was confused at first about what it was, what would make me like this?

Then it hit me and it hit me hard; My very first crush and it was you

Out of everyone it had to be you

Why? Why do you have to be so cute and handsome

I can see why every other girl was fooled

Your a player, you take someone's heart and mess with it

Then when everything's going perfect you backfire

You ignore her

You talk to other girls and not her

You flirt with others....like me

I remember you broke up with the girl you started with

She had told me a week before things weren't going right

And it bugged her so, when you would ignore her

So she did what she thought was right

On my case; It wasn't

That day of the break up you hit on me in 6th period

The only class we had until 4 weeks ago

Now we have 4 classes together instead of 1

And what really bugs me is that one day it just all stopped

The flirting; gone

The staring; gone

The glancing; gone

Nothing is left

And my heart shattered

I actually blushed on that special day everything changed

But now were closer and act like friends

I don't think he likes me anymore

No I know he doesn't.

Short Poems [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now