This Time *

30 4 0

Don't speak those awful words,

They are the voices I wish to curse,

Please do not shatter my heart,

I'm already falling apart,

I ask of you a little favor,

Do not be sad when I'm gone later,

I dream of an illusion that does not exist,

I hate those dreams,

I hope they diminish,

I wish for a life where I am not hurt,

Do not say I am fine,

It makes it worse,

Slapped by the one who started it all,

Now they wonder why I fall,

Betrayed and neglected by the one who was once mine,

I never thought she'd kill me this time,

She was the one who I thought would never betray,

I guess I'll exist another day,

Don't look at me with those beautiful eyes,

I'll probably begin to slowly cry,

Don't act as if I'm fine,

I swear I'm not this time.

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