Changed *

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I have this sinking feeling inside,

That I've been trying to hide,

But it's slowly creeping out,

And I can't control it anymore,

In fact I don't want to,

I think I'm giving up,

I might be tired of pretending everything is swell,

When it's not,

I might as well,

Have yelled it out to the world,

My depression was seeming so obvious,

Yet, they thought it was jealously,

I would call them idiots,

But I'm the real idiot here,

The dark glummy part of my mind,

Not longer is emotionless,

I swear I secretly fear death,

And maybe even defeat,

I guess I've already lost though,

Considering I lost myself,

Way back in the beginning of this hell,

I hate the fact,

That I changed,

But we all have to change sometimes,

Sometimes it's for the best,

But in my case,

I got worse,

And became mentality fucked up.

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