Compared & Judged *

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I hate being compared,

I hate being left out,

Sometimes these facts,

Cause me to shout out,

Being compared,

Isn't fun,

Especially if,

You're the opposite,

My mom and I were close,

But just like everything else, that broke,

Wanna know why the suddenly end?

Because of my new little sister,

My happiness came to an end,

And I came last,

I really do miss,

Our old past,

Since she came, I've changed,

And been judged,

But being compared to her was the worst,

She's beatiful,

When I'm not,

She's cute,

While I seemed cursed,

My friends ramble about my little sister,

"She's perfect.",

"She's adorable!",

"She's beatiful,"

I never heard you say those things to me,

Not once,

It really hurts,

To be judged,

Why can't we live in a world,

Where we are all the perfect ones.

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