Generic Jubilation *

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Generic Jubilation

It's easy to fake a smile when you've been doing it for a while

She thought the same

But they weren't easily fooled, at least some

He could easily see through her genetic smile

He knew she was now depressed

My beloved had left me, and three months later I remained the same

I half seemed to notice, half seemed to not even care

Who knew this cruel reality world was full of despair?

I mean, he had lied to me right from the start

He had played with and shattered my heart

He had left my broken soul behind

He had played with my mind

And soon he began to repeat the rhyme

He was only a toying machine

Someone to trust and to fall apon

I had already fallen, like a fallen angel from heaven

And I was now at the center of heaven and hell

Would I go back or would I stay away?

That only remained my choice


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