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'Vampires can be the bane of a Life grasping horror film full of death and romance. They are fascinating creatures which have been created by the human mind or so people say, although they are based on myths and legends, some claim to be true from history inscriptions. No one really understands them, you can only truly find out the truth about them if you were to meet one yourself if they truly exist that is.'

I close the book and stare at the cover for a moment. If only life was as easy as a book where there are typically happy endings...

Letting out a long sigh, I mentally prepare myself for today's wonderful wonders at school, the place is a drain on my emotional wellbeing. Thankfully, I will soon be out of that hell hole and ready to explore the world. Many wish to become firefighters, doctors, vets but not me. No, I wish to leave this isolated village and explore the real world beyond the walls of reality.

Drawing myself away from my thought's I rest the book down unwillingly and brace myself to pick up my bag before embarking on a longwinded journey to school. My feet to slump unwillingly downstairs, leaving scuff marks on the carpet, my socks graze the little tuffs of cream fluff as I shuffle. The overwhelming sinking feeling of depression punctures my chest as dread takes a hold. Sinking further into my slumber I become aware of the sharp splatters of raindrops rattling on the front door as though to force entry into our once happy home.

Great, a frown burrows across my brow. Another day of this suffocating weather to add to my constant misery.

Slipping on my shoes another sigh escapes as I sense my mother's presence.
"You missed out on breakfast again," She directs a sharp look my way, "it's not good for you, you know. Breakfast is an important meal, if anything the most important meal!"

"Yeah well, it's not like you really care anyway," grunting in response, I stand and face her.
"Naddy, I do care. You're just too ignorant to see it! I can't bloody wait until you come out of this depressive, feel sorry for me faze!" She rolls her eyes and turns her back to me.

Outside, my father's car is being cleared of the dead leaves as gusts of wind rip through the usually silent street. A creak draws my attention to the overgrown tree that seems to be struggling to hold it's own weight as it slants over my father's car. Familiar soft steps grow louder from behind me. Glancing over my shoulder I see my sister looking tired.

"Tammy don't take too long please! We are running late!" I beg for her to hurry her along as a feeling of frustration radiates from me. She fumbles around with her bag and shoes.

Her twinkling eyes flick up amusingly at me as she flings her bag over her shoulder and proceeds by pushing me aside and running out the door.

"Tammy, you need to put your hood up otherwise you will end up getting soaked!" I sigh stopping her to try help her straighten her hood in the rain. Her big blue eyes look up at me with affection, I find myself smiling back despite my plummeting mood. She really is the sweetest little girl.

"I'm sorry if I seem a little out of sorts today Tam, just didn't get a lot of sleep last night," my tone softens as my guilty conscience begins to catch up with me.

"It's fine Naddy, Love you!" She chirps then bounces ahead leaving me to follow.

"Love you too." I mumble quickly.

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