Chapter 41

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I close the book slowly, Josh is standing next to me, I decide not to read no more. His handwriting is neatly written with a quill. I look at him, astonished. He saw a girl, I want to read more but I am afraid at what I might find out. Josh places a hand on my shoulder and squeezes it slightly as I place the book back where I found it. I look at him, he smiles weakly; I see the sorrow in his eyes. I can see his misses his parents and his friends. This is hurting him very much being here; he is trying to be strong.

"The girl, her name was Mary. She was a maid, really my status was too high up to speak to her but I spoke to her a few times anyway, I felt as if I could control myself. But then it happened..." Josh leaves the sentence hanging.

What does he mean, "But then it happened'? I stare at him, waiting for him to finish but he doesn't, he waits for me to speak.

"What do you mean?" I ask with a shaking voice, it could mean a number of things.

"I was out with her; I fell in love for the first time... this gave me hope. She pleaded to me about getting away; I agreed to go with her. However that night I met her, I was hungry; she didn't know what I was. She ran up to me and kissed me, my body froze. I couldn't control myself; I feasted off her and wanted more. I ate her body and buried the bones. No one found me out, but they went out looking for her. I could smell peoples blood stronger than ever, I wanted it more and more," Josh explains, water coming to his eyes, "So I killed William and hid till my parents died, they died a year later, one after the other. My father first due to a heart condition then my mother grieved over his death and died herself. People didn't live as long as they do now. That was when I fled from the village, when my parents died."

I stare at Josh, my head whirls. I cannot imagine how he must have felt. All that pain, and then coming back after all that time, well he did say earlier he had come back a few times. But the pain, he must have felt, the pain is still here now. Josh takes me round the rest of the house, showing me different things about his mother and father plus how he used to live, I can't help but notice how many pictures he covers up as we enter the rooms. When I do get a quick glance I catch a glimpse of a girl... who is she?

Her eyes look ever so familiar but can't quite think where from, Josh's eyes perhaps? Perhaps he is ashamed of this girl or it's too much of a tough memory to face right now? From my thought's Josh's brow turns to a frown but gives nothing away. On my very detailed tour of this exquisite master piece of history I feel myself warming to the decor. I would have loved to live in them days; from Josh's historic description in them days things were fairly straight forward and simple and families were very close knit together.

Many painted family portraits hang from the walls, showing Josh, his mother and his father and the odd few have been covered up by large cloth drapes; I assume to protect from dust. We go back to Josh's room he uncovers the top sheets of his bed, under is not as dusty. Playfully he chucks me onto the uncovered surface; I laugh grabbing his dark blue top pulling him to join me. The bed is made of straw and wood; it's not too uncomfortable, which I find surprising, and of course you cannot bounce on these beds. Josh lays and looks into my eyes showing his in depth love for me.

Casually I rest my elbow on the bed and placing my head into my hand to gain a comfortable position to admire the beauty before me. Josh runs the back of his hand softly down my face, and then slowly moves to my neck, I feel his cold touch stroking my neck. I keep my eyes locked on his, trying to read his every hidden emotion. He slowly sweeps his hand down my arm till he reaches my thigh where he stops, teasing me with this twitching fingers, he looks at his hand. I watch him intently, he seems absorbed and interested. I bring my face to his till our noses touch and I feel my breath shift from the contact, his eyes flicker up meeting mine.

Sensitively I kiss him, tasting his sweet saliva as I absorb the unique smell of his delicious scent. Hesitantly I brush his stone cold neck, I feel no pulse; which automatically reminds me he's nothing more than a preserved moving corpse. Gently with strong controlling hands, Josh fills his hand with my left breast caressing it sensationally. I bring my lips to his, fulfilling every contact as I begin to move my hips suggestively against his leg. My inner self awakens from her sleep and begins to vibrate with erotic emotions. She calls to him take me... as I feel myself flush under his cool cold skin.

In flowing movements Josh begins to stimulate all my senses in my body by massaging his hands over my sensitive spots. Electricity flows between us at an imaginable rate, it feels magical. Cautiously and gently I feel him nip my skin with his sharp teeth teasing me, causing me to feel wet between my legs, he's careful not to pierce my skin as he does so. I groan under my breath in pleasure as our body's move together building up the temptation to take one and other.

Slowly I begin to peel Josh's cloths off starting with his jumper and finishing with his jeans revealing his deliciously toned body leaving him in just his boxers which accommodate his hard and ready man hood. He mirrors me by taking off my cloths leaving me in just my bra and knickers feeling exposed under his gorgeous breath taking body. He dominantly takes control on top of me rubbing his hands seductively over my body making me needy beneath him. Impatiently he pings off my bra freeing my well developed breast; he kisses around each one humming satisfied against my skin. Using my feet and toes I slide his boxers down letting his glorious masculine jewels flop out before me.

"Oh, Nadine; I love you, I love feeling the warmth of your skin, watching you flush in pleasurable wonder. I love seeing your human smile and feeling your human kisses. Oh, your soft touch and delicate skin. I love how you taste and smell..." Josh hums as he kisses down my body. He reaches my knickers taking them in his teeth; he slides them off keeping my legs parted. Then from my big toe he slowly and tenderly kisses back up till he reaches my lips. As I wrap myself around him I feel him slide himself inside me taking me again; he claims me as his. I groan with delight as my world spins away before me and I become lost under his graciously moving body. Our skin rubs deliciously together as both our bodies explode.

After moments gone by entwined in each other's bodies we part regaining acknowledgment of the world. Gleaming with satisfaction and love we re-dress covering our dignity.

"Do you want to see the grave yard, now?" Josh asks as he lightly kisses my cheek. I nod and smile still looking flushed. He jumps off the bed taking my hand as I follow. Then without notice he stops at the door; and faces me blocking my way. I look at him wondering why he stopped. I eye him cautiously remembering that girl; Mary.

"If I had the guts to turn you and be able to pull away; would you... I mean would you move here with me?" Josh struggles to ask, I stare at him with dismay. My inner self leaps with unexpected joy. This is a big question especially asking me this so soon; however I know where my heart lies and it's only with him forever.

Why not accept the offer? My inner self pushes to reply. I look into his eyes; they are full of hope and excitement. Say yes! My inner self jumps with glee.

"Of course I will!" I shout over excited after a few seconds of thinking, he laughs at me and opens his arms. I jump into them; he lifts my feet off the ground and spins me around. He really can control his hunger around me and he's so full of surprises. Is this really happening or is this a dream? One day I will be what I thought was a legend. I have always wanted to live for eternity and watch the world go by. I never thought of the consequences of people knowing I am different though. I never thought I would find my soul mate so soon in life. Maybe this was meant to happen, maybe this is my destiny?

We stand outside the house, I grin happily at it; this will be my house one day. I wonder if Vampires are able to have children? Will they be vampires or normal human children? Josh smiles at me, I can tell he hears my thoughts, I blush with embarrassment. I take one last look at the house warmly as we turn away and head towards the graveyard where Josh was turned. I cannot see it from here; I assume it's a little way from the village.


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