Chapter 33

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Our nerves increase, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere. The laughter dies down as we become wrestles. Sally insists she should go out and look for David however we all disagree with her going on her own.

Afternoon sets in, the sun is high, and it beams down on us, warming our bodies up. No one has spoken much, all is silent. I sit cuddled up with Josh, studying every one's faces. Sheila holds onto William, worried about David while William doesn't care much at all. William can be very selfish at times, but other times he can be a very good friend. He is a friend of mine despite me not being his friend. He hates me for reasons I do not know. Sheila is always moaning at him for it.

Sally stares down at the ground with a concerned crease across her forehead. Kathrin sits by George unwillingly, while Jessica sits on Liam's lap, cuddling up to him like he's some sort of cuddly bear. Peter tries comforting Sally, without words. I feel sorry for Josh; he has to read each and every mind of theirs.

"We should go out and look for him," Josh perks up breaking the silence. I nearly jump out of my skin.

"Sorry," He whispers quietly in my ear as he nuzzles his face into my hair, inhaling my scent. Without words everyone agrees with nods. A cold breeze swiftly flows around us, increasing our fear of the unknown that lies ahead of us.

We all gather torches and warm clothing. I don't leave Josh's side; I know there is something he is not telling me, I can see it spread across his still face and the secrets hidden behind those eyes. My eyes keep locked on his, waiting- waiting for him to look back at mine. Each strong cold breeze sends shudders through each bone in my body, the sun still shines however it's not warming; everywhere seems cold all of a sudden.

Finally we are all ready and go on our way to find our friend 'David'. The fear grows and our hearts race. Josh seems the only calm one except from every muscle in his body is tensed. What do you know beautiful? Why won't you tell me? my inner self whispers out to him in thought; he doesn't reply, his expression emotionless.

We keep our eyes peeled and jump at every sudden sound uncontrollably; none of us dare to speak. We feel sheer terror within our bones, all afraid of the worse. I slip my warm hand into Josh's; he looks at me and smiles weakly, I smile back reassured that I am safe with him.

This trip was a bad idea, my body wants to turn back, collect my belongings and go anywhere but here with Josh at my side however the stronger part of me which happens to be my heart tells me to keep strong and search for David.

Where could he have gone? Last night the jokes, teasing him... did it get to him? It's just so strange... and seeing Amanda, her hands... blood... wild eyes... madness... I think everything over piecing it all together; nothing makes sense or adds up. I am certain Josh knows more he suspects something... I can sense it.

My gut screws over as the thoughts of finding him in a state, possibly hurt and a less likely thought of finding him deceased. Though I feel safe with Josh, I know he will be able to protect me; all I fear for is David's safety, what if the legendary beast of the Yorkshire mores has crept up and attacked him while he innocently emptied his bladder?

The guilt grows inside; I accuse myself for this terrifying event, if I had never arranged this stupid trip, David would still be here with us. Maybe it was all to do with us teasing him last night?

The more I think about David the more I feel guilt, it terrifies me. I feel the tears build up in my eyes; I hold them back as a lump grows in my throat. I shall not cry, not here, I must keep strong, not just for me but for everyone.

The woods are silent all we hear are the sounds of small animals scuttling around; the leaves rustle in the suddenly cold breeze. I have pulled my zip up on my jacket to keep me warm as the nice weather has ended and the skies turn to a dirty quilt of gravy. I expect we will be showered in rain; typically I have forgotten my waterproofs and left them rolled up in my back pack.

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