Chapter 42

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As we are passing through I notice an old shop, it was a bakery; I can see this from the paint sign above the door showing a loaf of bread. Half of the building is rubble now however the other half is still intact. I see what looks like old rotten bread wrapped up and mice still nibbling trying to get through. I wonder how long this bread has been here, I wouldn't have thought mice would still be trying to eat it. The windows are framed in an old wood and by the looks of it, it has wood worm. Inside the shelves are covered in dust and cobwebs like many of the other houses. The window has been smashed so it's easy to get a good view.

All of a sudden one of the mice spots me and launches at self at me. I leap out the way in fright it lands on the floor with a thud. Josh shoots towards it at high speed and squishes it with his foot, before I can get any closer to me. I stare at him astonished, still slightly shocked, I have never seen a mice act like that before. Its eyes hungry for food and its vicious yellow teeth ready to sink into my flesh. This place seems to be very odd.

"What... I... I... Mean... Why did... it do that?" I breathe voice shaking with terror. Josh drapes his arm over my shoulder and guides me away before any others try and kill me.

"They are dead, they eat off anything they can get their teeth in to, if they see a human, they leap for them, they have a craving for human flesh," Josh explains, I feel my hands tremble. Supernatural animals too now, what else? Life really is not what it seems.

"Vampires?" I ask, remembering Vampires have an obsession with human blood.

"No, you would call them 'Zombies'. They crave flesh not blood however your world seems to think they only eat human flesh, but they eat just about anything they can get their little claws on, especially if it is rotten or mouldy. Most animals got it when the plague was around, that's the way it affected them. Before they fully turned into a 'Zombie' they would bite people and that's how the plague was transferred. However if they were to bite when fully turned you will become one of them," He looks at me; I stare with fear written across my face. Is this really happening? I never thought there were such things, but I assume Vampires are real.

"Ok, I must explain. There are Vampires as you know, there are also 'Zombies', if you get bitten by them you will turn into one of them, your mind will no longer be yours, as I just explained. Your body is dead and your soul is gone. There are also witches they are extremely rare, you cannot turn into one, they are born like it, genetically passed on through jeans, many black witches turn themselves into babies over and over when they get too old and are adopted by family's, this is how they seem to live for centuries. There are werewolves, who live in the woods among the natural wolves and there are Demons, they live under ground. They come up and torment the humans now and then; however these days they are not seen as much, there are less of them but that is about it," Josh explains. I stare at him, he smiles back. I cannot believe what I am hearing.

Ever since I was young I was taught that all these were make believe. I never took any notice of them in stories except vampires. I have always been interested in the doings of vampires. This is really fascinating; at my age if I was to tell anyone, I wouldn't but still... I would get called silly. I cast my mind back, thinking about Amanda. She was obsessed with witches as I was obsessed with vampires, she loved the way they could cast spells. She made herself believe she was a witch, she always told me how she was one and that someday the world will know the truth. She used to show different tricks like pulling out her rabbit from a hat. I never understood how she did that trick, as her rabbit was always in the cage. She would take it out then put it back into the hat; we would then go outside to see the rabbit back in its cage.

It amazed me. I remember how she also used to be able to calm me down when I got stressed with her, soon after we were best of mates again. I vaguely remember her other trick of changing the colour of things. Oh, but there is only one explanation for that now... now that I have heard this. I now know how she did it. In my mind I start to piece things of the past together, my memories flash before me. She's a witch! My inner self hisses at me. How could this possibly be? This doesn't seem right... No I am just being silly, but there is no other explanation...

"Josh, Amanda," I gulp. I never realised before. I wonder what damage she could do to me. She could kill me. Is she after me, maybe she's the one who's killing? She is coming after me? But how can she do such a horrible thing, they didn't deserve this. Why didn't she come after me? Or is she afraid of Josh. She knows doesn't she? My inner self questions as she paces up and down. I begin to feel myself sweating with fear and confusion.

"I know... I won't let her harm you. People who are like me or other legends, they don't often battle amongst each other. I am faster than her, by your thoughts she does not sound as strong as a witch but I won't under estimate her. All I have to fear is her imaging me being torn to pieces, as it may just happen if her powers are strong enough," Josh explains taking my hand.

I stop dead, what if that happens? Josh will be gone, she will kill me also. I stare blankly out to the distance. Why does she hate me so much though, why can't she just be civilised about this. What is her problem?

"We need to get back to the others; I know who killed David and William!"

Josh catches my arm and stops me running; I look at him with willing eyes.

"You can't get back without me, and I know... I didn't want to hurt you, this is the reason why I didn't tell you before," Josh explains. If he knew all along, then why did he let us leave the others in the first place? My inner self starts to pace angrily. How could I have let this happen?


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