Chapter 15

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  As we enter and walk a little way down the path, I see many of my class mates stop and stare with amazement. I tighten my grip round Josh's hand; he glances at me with a boyish grin. The courtyard gradually falls silent, and a muttering of whispers surrounds the crowded area, we become the centre of attention. My heart races and I flush a fluorescent, ruby red and I feel the eyes of people I know protrude into me as I walk. We keep at a steady pace as I spot Amanda in the distance; so in the desperate escape of watching eyes I pull Josh dominantly in her direction. The whispers increase, tormenting my ears which strain to listen, to hear what is being said. Josh doesn't seem to be bothered; he keeps a tight grip of support on my hand as we pass the expanding crowds.

  Their eyes stare with continuous questions. I hear a few people laugh at some personal joke. I can't help but feel intimidated although I don't let it show, I don't want Josh to see how much of a coward I really am. Amanda is early for school for once; she now stands alone as her surrounding crowed departures, leaving her concentrating on a book. We approach her still hand in hand; she does not raise her face except I know she sense my presence. I realise a difference about her... her hair is down and messy, she never has her hair down, it is always tied up.

  From the appearance of her I automatically sense she still has an issue with me. I look at Josh with a puzzled look, unsure where to take this; he stays silent and shrugs his shoulders as if he doesn't care. I can tell he is still hurt from how she has acted. I can't blame him really.

"Hey. Err... Amanda?" I smile trying to see if I can tempt her to raise her face, to talk like friends.

"Ugh... What?" She grumbles without raising her head. Moody cow! My inner self growls feeling betrayed all over again. I can clearly see that she is feeling emotional, a small part of me still thinks it is due to her jealous streak, but there are thousands of things which she could be down about. I glance at Josh; he's looked away with disinterest and is concentrating on the year sevens trying to break a window with a football. I wish he would give me a little back up here, but then he doesn't know her like I do. I guess he can't help me really. I guess it is obvious that she doesn't want me and Josh together. 

  "What's up?" I ask quietly turning back to her, shuffling with nerves, hoping she will not snap at me.

"None, of your business, now... clear... off!" She orders raising her head very slightly just so she can glare at me. Her face is drawn and her eyes are red raw with tears down her cheeks. She burns with hatred and distress. I open my mouth to speak but soon close it again when I see whatever I say won't help. I hang my head, I just can't understand why she's changed.

"Please Amanda, don't be like this," I beg my head still hanging low.
"Why Nadine, your nothing but a selfish bitch! I talked to you, but you didn't listen, and now look at you both. You're heading down a dark road, you're a stupid cow! Your always was!"

I step back staring her right in her eyes. My mouth drops.


"You heard!" She snaps back.

I have never heard such vile words leave Amanda's mouth. Without arguing I lead Josh away; so much for a nice romantic day of happiness and love. What is wrong with her? I've lost a friend and I don't know why... my inner self blubbers like a little lost sheep. Josh throws me a concerned look. Maybe I am selfish, but Josh isn't dangerous and why would I be heading down a dark road?

  "She will be ok, I will speak to her later," I smile reassuring his worries about me as I link arms with him. I glance back over my shoulder her eyes glare back with a look that I have never seen on her before. I shiver as I turn away.

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