Chapter 4

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Within a few moments our tutor arrives and I allow Josh to sit on my left hand side due to having an empty seat there; the only available seat in the room just out of luck. Amanda places herself on my right hand side in her usual seat. Josh is greeted by many of the girls in my class; they stare at me with rage and jealousy, I gloat knowing how lucky I am to have spoken to him first. Heather and Rachel sit in front of us; they turn and look at Josh. He looks at them and smiles; I raise an eyebrow at them as they giggle pretending they are blushing under their layered up make-up. It's as though they have never seen a hansom lad before.

  Heather turns and searches through her bag and pulls out a scrap bit of paper, and she writes something on it. I hear Amanda say something under her breath, it sounded like something spiteful from the harshness of her tone. All of a sudden I feel the anger and rage raise inside me as Heather hands the paper to Josh. He's mine! I watch him; the paper has a number on it under Heather's name. I glance at her, shooting daggers in her direction, she smiles slyly waiting for Josh to place it in his pocket or give her some sort of flirtatious sign. I see her flick her eye lashes in my direction in spite, my blood boils into a hot red flush flaring all over my body. However instead of keeping the number he pulls a pen out and writes in very neat fancy writing:

                                              'No Thanks'

  He hands her the paper back, she looks at it, shock and anguish written across her face, I breathe with relief. Josh glances at me and smiles; I smile back feeling the anger drain from me. Heather growls at me then whips herself round in disgust and faces the front. Rachel sniggers from Josh's reply on the paper; resulting in getting hit hastily by Heather. Some of the boys enter; they spot Josh and nod their heads coolly to greet him. I see Josh smile with amusement as the girls scowl at me; I hide a small smile under my hand. I know this will cause problems and when I am alone I will surly get bullied, we are meant to be adults this is why I wished at times I went to college instead.

  I turn to Amanda, who's leaning on her hand, facing away from me. I tap her shoulder to attract her attention. She glances at me then turns back to face the front as if to say leave me alone.

"I guess it is not that boy then?" I whisper into her ear feeling amused as I prevent Josh from hearing us. Amanda ignores me as though she hadn't heard, however her face changes to a frown, so I know she heard; she had just chosen to ignore me.

"Amanda, come on, you've been my friend for years, I have never seen you this way," I attempt to prompt her.

"Look just leave me alone ok?" She stares at me with haste.

"Please talk to me?" I insist.


"Come on, I don't get it, babe?" I rest my hand on her shoulder she shrugs me off.

"Don't you get the hint, leave me be, there's nothing to tell ok? Just drop it... gosh Nadine, you really can be annoying at times, I'm sick of it!"

I stare shock written across my face; a few people turn and look to see what's going on.

"Why are you being like this?"

"Non of you business Nadine, you just got to accept not everything is about you"

Now that really was uncalled for. She hit me right where it hurts.

"Hey, what did I do for you to be like that, I haven't done anything to you, and all I have been is your friend ok? I've always listened to you and what you had to say!" I bite back.

"Oh wow the good Samaritan, as always, you haven't been there for me, you think you have but you haven't even the jist of what has gone on in my life, just stay out of it I have some issues going on and you know, I just don't want or need you in them," She spits, I sit back in shock feeling hurt than ever. For the whole time we have been friend she has never spoken to me like that.

"Oh fine then, I see how it is."


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