Chapter 44

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"I have no choice, I just want you safe Nadine, I have to believe in myself. I know I can just inject you and not taste your blood. You have to trust me, in your form now you won't survive if she comes along, but I just don't know how long the process may take, but I think we just have to take that chance," Josh whispers in my ear.

I never thought it would be so soon. I feel slightly fearful; my stomach knots up, but I know he will be able to draw himself away. I know he has the strength to control his hunger.

"My life won't be the same though will it?" I speak softly attempting to hide the churning feeling within my stomach.

"No, Nadine, call me selfish but I can't lose you"

"What about my parents and my sister, I won't see them again will I?" I begin to realise the real impact this will have on my life.

"It's a risk you will have to take to live, I love you Nadine," Josh grazes my cheek with his soft cool touch. I feel my eyes well up with tears, reality hits me like a ton of bricks. I nod pushing away my anxious thoughts; this is what I wanted all along.

Slowly he brings his mouth to my neck as I drop my head back slightly giving myself to him. I clench my mussels in pain as I feel his teeth sink into my flesh. I want to scream out and pull away but I hold myself together and I hold my eyes tightly shut as I grit my teeth together, I take pain, knowing if I scream the others may hear.

My eyes water, this is it, the end of my life, I will soon be dead, a living corpse. My heart pumps for the last few moments as it pushes blood round my veins, carrying the venom along with it. Suddenly I feel the venom kicking in, stabbing me with an excruciating pain. I feel my head becoming heavy along with the rest of my body. My teeth clench tighter, trying to fight the pain, all my antibodies start to fight the venom away but I can feel it failing. My whole body feels numb to everything except the pain; I can no longer feel Josh. My body sweats, my heart beats hard and all my mussels clench up tight. My world is fading away.

I hear my teeth grinding together as my body fights the pain. All of a sudden the venom hits my heart; it sends my whole body jolting at every beat like I'm being stunned by high electric shocks. I can feel the mass of venom increasing, multiplying until it covers every vein in my body, every organ and every human inch of me. It feels like a thick liquid forcing its way through. I can feel my lungs failing, collapsing, preventing me from breathing; nothing seems to want to work. I feel my fists clench as the pain pulses. Was this a good idea? Did I do the right thing by letting him bite me? The pain drags on its excruciating, like a splitting head ach but worse.

I want it to stop, I want it to be gone but it continues to strike harder and harder at each pulse. My mouth seems to be over moist, making me swallow down any saliva so I don't choke on it. The world is black around me; I have no sensation, no recollection of where I am. Then my body goes cold, all warmth gone, the pain is still striking, but my body seems to be failing, every part shutting down bit by bit. Everything in my body giving up, I want to tell them to not give up keep fighting but nothing will work, my human self is disappearing. Less saliva fills my mouth and my sense of smell and hearing emerge slowly as I gain a little recognition of the world, except I can't open my eyes.

My head becomes lighter in weight, but my brain is giving up. It slowly starts fading as my heart slows. I fight to keep my memories, my past; me and josh, my family. I play them over and over till they stay imbedded.

Eventually my fists unclench, and my whole body goes completely numb from any pain. Finally my heart stops and my thoughts disappear.... Everything is silent again, its calm and peaceful and I can think of nothing; everything fades away...

Is this what death feels like, a body floating on a cloud; weightless? No feelings, no emotions, no world or light; a peaceful darkness; no recollection of the world or human existence. I was here, I lived and now I don't exist. I am no longer a person with a name, or a face of description; I am nothing.

All of a sudden an electric shock from my heart jolts the whole of my body startling me, awakening me from death; then I know this is the end of my human life...

I awake, finding myself stretched out in a tent; my tent. I stare around unsure who I am or what I am. I force my brain to think to remember. I have to remember; I know something happened to me. But what happened to me? How did I get here? I stare at my hands, my clothes then the sleeping bags. I guys face appears in the back of my mind. The image is blurry to begin with but gradually comes into focus. I know this person. Who is he? I know him.

This Nadine think!

Nadine, that's my name. My name is Nadine.


Josh, that's the guy's name, he's my boyfriend.

Josh is a vampire.


Josh is a Vampire!

The memory floods back like a gush of wind when you walk along the seaside on a cold day. I guess Josh put me here. I rub my neck where Josh bit me, there's no mark, no lump... nothing. I run my fingers through my fridge sweeping it off my face. Was it a dream? Or did it really happen? I stare at my hands; I notice they are pale as ever, white in fact. I breathe fast, feeling slight fear build up inside me, but realising I feel no heart beating, I automatically miss it beating fast as I panic. I hold my breath, nothing seems to want me to breathe, no need for oxygen, it's like I don't need to breathe at all. My heart should be racing, but I feel nothing, everything is still; I feel as if I am empty inside.

I listen out, I can hear everything. I can hear... my parents, talking about me. Wondering when I will be back, I sit back shocked; I can really hear that far? I grab my bag and hunt through the pockets for my mirror. I find it and pull it out. I take a deep breath before looking into it. I lift it to my face so I can admire my new image.

My complexion is as pale as Josh's. I prod my lips; they are a normal red colour except they stand out more against my skin, they also look plumper. My eyes are wide and dark with hunger. I can smell human blood. I realise its night as I look up to see no light shining through the tent, however I can see perfectly well, everything seems clear and vibrant. The others are asleep. I could quite easily go out and attack them while they soundly sleep, but I don't want to hurt my friends. Gently I place the mirror down and open the zip of the tent; slowly and silently I crawl out. Kathrin or Jessica must be awake, as I see a dim light on; Kathrin must have brought her little battery powered light with her. I feel my new senses heighten by the minuet like I have had some sort of upgrade. Could I get used to this?


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