Chapter 47

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Another friend harmed by Amanda, today I will stop this, it is between me and her I will end this, even if my life depends on it. That's sounds so human, it doesn't seem right for me to say it.

"I will not let you go alone, we, together... will go. Find her and save her if we can. I shall not depart from your presents. You have just turned, if your hunger takes over; all hell will break loose. I cannot leave you, especially in this state and especially with Amanda roaming around. She may be able to destroy you; I could not live with that. Do you understand?" Josh keeps his eyes on me and asks with a firm, low, controlling voice, I nod slowly; I assume he is right.

The others look over, Jessica has a plate of breakfast, and she raises it towards me, gesturing to me, wondering if I want any breakfast. I shake my head smelling its vile smell, tasting it in the air, I never knew that normal human food smelt so revolting, I turn back to Josh. He smiles and strokes my face. I do not feel like smiling. He moves to kiss me; I turn my face away, letting him kiss my cheek. I do love him; I will never deny that, I just need to find Kathrin first.

Josh turns to the others, he approaches them. I follow behind, holding him round his waste using him a barrier. He holds my hands firmly. It is the only way of him stopping me from attacking my friends. We suddenly look like a really loved up couple, I guess we are in a way, but I never act like this with my friends around. Of course it is for their safety, and I am finding it ever so hard to control my feelings right now; I feel so different, wilder perhaps, but there are many other feelings which I have never felt before.

"We are going to look for Kathrin, alone. Ok, won't be long," Josh explains quickly. The others look at us with doubt in their eyes. I listen to their thoughts all at once and understand them all. They all think we won't be back until at least dusk has set and they have lost all hope in finding our friend. I grin at Josh as he faces me, I feel him slide his hands round my waste.

I giggle childishly, sliding my arms around his shoulders. I bring my face to his and kiss him. My eyes close memorising each moment. He distracts me from all the smells of pumping blood, I can still smell them but I don't have to think about them. As I pull away and open my eyes, I see they others are staring at me and with disgusted faces. I laugh lightly, Josh laughs in return showing a dazzling grin.

"Do you mind, it's still morning," Liam laughs. I laugh back as Josh takes my hand and guides me away still laughing. How I can deny the fact I love him, there would be no real way of me trying to deny it.

Once away from the others, we stop and both close our eyes, I picture Kathrin. She is strapped to a head stone, still wriggling weakly. I force my image to show me the place, it's a grave yard, full of old headstones, and many are covered up with moss. My eyes snap open, it's the graveyard where Josh got turned; I'm sure of it. Josh opens his eyes slowly. He frowns, thinking. He rubs his chin as if he had a beard. I read Josh's thoughts, his memories too. The memories of him turning, so much pain, I shudder then force myself to see further into his memory to see his location at the time. It is exactly at the same place just deeper in, farther than Josh has ever been. I draw myself away from his mind, twisting my fingers round each other.

"She's at the graveyard," I speak up quietly. Josh looks at me, wondering how I would know that, he doesn't even see it himself. He can only pin point the spot she is in not the surrounding area.

"H...How do....?" Josh bring is hand down, not being able to place his words correctly.

"I forced my image to show me where she was situated; it showed me," I smile taking his hand. He looks at me and takes a deep breath. We can discuss this later His inner voice hums to me. I have a feeling Amanda wants to lead us here, to kill us maybe. But I know for sure, me and her are going to have some serious words. Either, I and Josh will come out of this alive or Amanda will do the human race a lot of damage. We both can't win. Josh guides me to the graveyard. I'm discovering another ability which I hadn't had before; that's running at this speed. We fly through the forest, faster than anything else can travel. My hairs blown all over the place, going at this speed I can feel the wind hitting my face at a strong force, struggling to slow me down.

We seem to be travelling faster than Josh did before; I assume that's because I'm running with him, and he does not have to carry me. Being like him; this morning I have discovered many sensations. I am lucky it was Josh who turned me and that he was here otherwise I would have killed my fellow friends. After this if I come out of this alive I will have to stay away from my family until I can control myself. However if I cannot control myself I may not see them again. The task which lays before us, maybe the path to our death; on the other hand it could be the path to Amanda's death.

All this could have been prevented if Amanda was civilised, if she didn't try and be powerful. If she would have just accepted Josh fell in love with me and not her. It makes my blood feel as if it could boil...


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