Chapter 26

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I decide to ask him again when we are alone so for now I smile and kiss him, gently stroking the outside of his thigh. He gently pushes me off him, I eye him curiously. I want him... my body pulses erotically.

"Not helping," He smiles timidly. I nod understandably then cuddle up to him, hoping that won't be too hard for him to cope with.

"So who's next?" Josh turns his attention to the group.

"Me!" Peter leans forward readying himself.

"There were the old ruins of a hospital..."

I listen intently to his story, we all listen. The others then tell ghost stories as I snuggle up to Josh. Surprisingly he keeps me warm, but his skin is so cold; cold as ice to be correct. So how come he is keeping me warm? It makes my mind boggle, the fire is warm, but his body... I really don't understand.

"There once stood an old house at the top of a hill, it was assumed to be haunted. One dark, dreary night, I staggered up the hill half-drunk with some fellow chums. We investigated the old house. As we stepped into the house, a man dropped from the ceiling. He was dead...' David gets stopped by our laughter. We boo at him, he growls at us as we snigger in reply. We cruelly tease him with our laughter's and boos, Liam gently punches his arm playfully. I laugh till my stomach hurts; I can feel Josh sniggering very slightly, but not as much as the rest of us are.

"Aww, leave him alone, he isn't as talented as some," I tease sticking my tong out. He throws me an evil look as the others bellow out with more laughter. I see his frustration growing as he glowers at everyone. Josh doesn't laugh no more, he just looks at the ground. I know he can hear his thoughts.

"Okay guys. That's enough, I think we have teased him enough," I smile, the laughter dies down. I suddenly feel all authoritative, "Sorry David, we were having a laugh with you. Carry on, someone get the alcohol poured."

David nods with a smile of appreciation. William stands and begins to pour everyone a drink.

"I jump back from the lifeless body, who killed him?" David continues. Me and Josh get handed the drink, I watch Josh as he looks down at the drink in front of him.

"Can you drink? Like normal stuff," I ask. He looks up meeting my eyes, "I can but it makes no effect on me, I can eat too but if I do my heart will beat, once every so many hours. Food and drink is like drugs to a human, you get strange sensations, sometime even hallucinate".

"Oh?" This was something I didn't know.

"Yeah, so alcohol it wouldn't affect me that much but I haven't tried it to see what it would do..." He puts the cup to his mouth, hesitates then pours it into his mouth. I watch him; his eyes begin to dilate as he knocks it back.

"Pass me a fag," He asks as he takes the now empty cup from his mouth. I pull two out and hands him it then light it for him.

"I didn't know you smoked?"

"I don't... it might stop this urge," He replies, his eyes are fixed on William.

"Urge to what?" I push for an answer.

"To feed from the dark soul that sits before us," He hisses, two bulges form from his gums. His fangs!

"Josh, no! Go leave!" I urge him trying not to draw attention to us. He stands and leaves.

Everyone looks up watching him stride away. Every pair of eyes then turns to me with questions.

"He feels a bit ill; he's gone for a walk," I quickly say.

The night ticks by, eventually everyone takes themselves away to bed. I sit wide awake around the fading camp fire. I feel alone once again.


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