Chapter 40

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'9th January1819

Today is the day of my birthday, seventeen at last, but somehow it isn't so great. I must complete my request to meet Sir Breakshaw in the graveyard. Many times I have looked upon his small house across the road to see nothing but blackness through those wooden window frames. Now I must face this task, of seeing him, otherwise my dearly beloved parents will be slaughtered.

I must not let that occur. I must do whatever I must to keep my parents alive. This maybe my last day, this is my reason for writing here so early in the day so it maybe farewell to all my loved ones if you read this.

He has some feud with my family; I used to go around his to do work in his garden. He once was a lovely man but he then just changed.

13th January 1819

I have just woken on this fine day; to discover I have been turned into, something I thought was a legend. That vile William, he turned me into a blood sucking vampire! I insist to kill him immediately; of course I never wanted to die however I was clearly able to face the fact I had to one day. Now I cannot! Now I have to live forever, for eternity! What did I do to deserve such a terrible curse!?

The thirst grows from within me, I am no killer but the evil within me threatens to take over.

Why did he do this to me?

January 1819

The last few days I have been in hiding. I cannot go out in the open; otherwise they will see I am different. My parents have noticed that my skin is ice cold and pure white. They asked me many questions. Last night, I overheard my father talking to my mother, he knows what I am. My mother wanted to deny it. Oh my poor sweet mother of mine, she does not see my father is correct with his enquiries. Neither of my parents will turn me away, it is just what they are like.

William is often around, speaking to my mother often about me, asking how I am and why I don't go out as much. I resent him, I shall kill him when I am stronger, I am still battling the hunger for humans. Every time I approach my much loved parents, I have to fight my urge back, and I can smell their blood pumping ever so tenderly round their fragile bodies. I would turn them, however it would not be right to give them this curse also. I could not do such a thing to them.

18th January 1819

It is magnificent, William has been caught, and they found him feasting on the father of those two sweet little boys 'Jimmy and Nigel'. They will burn him on the stake tomorrow. I decide I shall cover my skin the best I can just to watch him burn. It is a terrible risk I must take, however I cannot let this go without seeing him suffer.

I went out also today, to purchase some bread; no one took any notice of me, except a beautiful young female. Her hair was golden yellow and her clothes were carefully pressed. I could smell her for miles. She smiled at me. Oh what beauty! I have seemed to cope quite well, around the human species. It has only been a few days but I think I am ready to kill William!'


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