Chapter 31

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"What?" I try tugging my hand away from his but fail.

"I just felt like stopping and doing this-," I stare at him as he slides his free hand round my waste. I slide my arm over his shoulder as he places my other arm round his neck. I watch him curiously.

"I just want to stop and hold you close," He strokes my face. Why would he just want to stop and hold me close, he stared out at the distance like he had sensed danger?

"Is someone coming? Well, is a vampire coming?" My eyes dart around. Josh catches my face, I study his amused eyes.

"No one is coming. Like I said I just..." His presses his lips against mine, I move mine exactly in time with his, "want to hold you close."

I study his face; he seems to be telling the truth. My eyes flutter closed as our lips touch again, more desperate this time. I bring his face closer, wanting him desperately as he wants me. I feel Josh suddenly lift me into the air. Our lips depart as me he spins me around, I laugh with joy, and he laughs with me just as joyfully. The happiness floods through my bones again. I have a sudden burst joy inside, the feeling I get when I am with him. He holds me up in the air, looking deep into my eyes; I look deep into his, his eyes sparkle in the light, glistening and bright like a diamond. You can see they are not natural human eyes; human eyes aren't as bright in the sun however all the same you can mistake them for human eyes.

He lowers me slowly, I preserve this moment in my mind as our lips touch to show our intimate love for each other. The wish which I require is for us to be together for eternity. Never leave each other's side, both of us, vampires together. Just when our bodies are interlocked with the magic of our kiss, we hear a faint giggling. We depart unwillingly to see the culprit of the giggle. I turn to see Amanda, her brown hair flowing over her shoulders, in a tangled, matted mess; she wears dark clothes which are slightly torn at the ends.

Confusion passes through our minds, wondering why Amanda is here. She ruined our perfect moment but I do not worry about that, I just worry how she got here and why she is here? Was she following us? I feel the guilt flood back as I remember her words.

"Well whenever I like someone you have to take them before I get a chance."

I see the image of her distraught face, the tears she cried and me wanting to help her desperately and not being able to. Her eyes look unnatural, wild and vicious with slight slyness, she wears a smug grin as she holds her hands out; they are covered in a dark, red sticky substance... blood? I open my mouth to speak, not exactly sure what I am going to say. But I close it again as she walks off into the distance giggling to herself. My blood runs cold. We pass questioning glances to each other. We all thought she was not coming, where is she staying if she is camping out, it would take too long to walk from the village and back, over a day.

The questions run through both of our minds, I can see it in Josh's eyes that he wondering what that was all about. Her hands... they were covered in something strange... she wasn't normal. Something is really wrong...why was she covered in blood.

"That was weird, don't worry about her..." Josh grins turning back to me, I lose my track of thought and I become lost in Josh's eyes, "Now where were we babes?"

I smile at him and giggle. He kisses my neck. I can see he has the temptation to bite me however he holds himself back.

"But wait," I pull back, "That wasn't normal you can't just brush that off."

"Forget about her," Josh murmurs pulling me back in, I reject him.
"I'm serious, she's covered in blood Josh, why is she here? How did she find us?"

"I don't know Nadine, but she's not right, she's got... problems. You can't dwell on it ok, I am sorry, she was your friend, I get that. Look how she treated you, how she made you feel, forget her honestly."

I nod glumly, something doesn't feel right. I try my very hardest to push the feelings to the back of my mind. I'd rather just not talk about it. In a way he is right.

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