Chapter 30

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"Come, on. We should get up," Josh whispers; I sit up on his legs and face him as he slides his body up into a sitting position, I stubbornly prevent him from standing up. I grin at him cheekily, teasing him without having to say anything. He grins at me and softly strokes my cheek, his ice hands stinging my burning skin.

"I don't feel like getting up yet, I just want to... spend a small time with you first," I Grin moving forward and kissing Josh once again pressing our naked bodies together. I feel like a nice romantic morning, with my one true love. I don't think I can stop kissing him; I just want to be close to him in every way possible, hug him and kiss him all the time plus never let go with whatever happens.

Josh pulls away so he can study my naked body.

"You look so good in the mornings and your body... mmmm" He whispers, I raise my eyes brow noticing the 'S' on 'Mornings'. He has only seen me this morning as far as I know. I stare at him, wandering if the 'S' was put on there by mistake, or did he actually mean it.... 'Mornings?'

"Oh, I... well.... Ok I snuck into your house several times, even before you had met me. I know purvey or what, but your scent, your looks; everything about you... I cannot keep away. I saw you on the way to school when we first moved in a month before I started school.

'I was too terrified to even say hello to such a fine girl, you smelt so delicious, and I wanted your blood so bad, but I also wanted you, to be with you. I could have done it, you know... killed you, if it weren't for your cuteness and the passion that grew within me..."

I stare at him not wanting to believe what he was saying. He watched me sleep, how embarrassing! I should be furious but somehow I am not. I don't understand, how did he get into my house?

This is so embarrassing, oh I look so bad when I sleep, and I know I do. I never knew he had moved in a month before we met and him afraid to say hello? A ferocious vampire who isn't afraid of anything but saying hello to a girl he fell in love with.

"YOU... WATCHED... ME... SLEEP? You broke into my house? You're a stawlker," pinning his arms to the ground playfully, wanting to be furious with him, but I just cannot bring myself to be angry too much at him.

"I...I'm sorry... It's... J..." He stammered. I growled at him wanting to hurt him so much, wanting to hate myself for not letting me be completely angry instead of embarrassed.

"I wouldn't try hurting me, if I were you. If I lose my temper with you, I could kill you."

I let go quickly, shocked more than anything. He came into my room, and watched me sleep. How many times? And why watch me sleep? It is just not right. He sits up and leans towards me. I sit and cross my legs keeping my eyes to the floor, feeling my face turn red by the minuet.

"Look, I am sorry; I was protecting you from my brothers and my sister. They smelt your scent and wanted to kill you, they have... less control than me," Josh explains, I flick my eyes up to him. He saved me, when he didn't even know me. He saved my life; he stopped me getting killed by his brothers.

"Oh, Josh. I really don't mind you watching me sleep; I just want you with me. Why is my scent so popular? There are a lot of girls in this village," I fall into his lap, hugging his waste tightly. I look up into his eyes, he smiles back at me as he slides his arm around me to lift me up slightly.

"I will never leave you Nadine and I don't know. Something about you that is different," He whispers into my ear, and then moves his lips to touch mine.

I will never get over his magical kisses; I cannot resist kissing him more and more. Each time our lips touch so tenderly my stomach tingles and flutters; leaping with joy every time. I can never give up that feeling, never. Maybe it is because he's a vampire; he has everything that will lure anyone to him, his prey.

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