Chapter 39

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We pass thousands, millions and more trees which stand tall, towering over us as if they rule. I have never seen such a beautiful place, the shimmer of light reflecting off the silky leaves and the rustling of them as a cool breeze hits them. There are so many different sounds, so much to listen out for. This place is more beautiful than I can ever explain, than anyone can ever explain.

Morning dew covers the land making everything sparkle in the sun light; it looks like a wonderland full of magical surprises. Fallen leaves and sticks crunch under Josh's feet, the sound of it gives me shimmers through my body. Everything is so neat and tidy, placed correctly in place making it look ever more amazing. The smells are lightening, the leaves, the grass, flowers and animal, all those smells... all mixed together into one sweet smelling fragrance.

I would love to fly through here alongside Josh, just me and him... vampires together, complete as one. I cannot help but fantasise over this, being carried is uncomfortable but if I was to become a vampire then I would be able to do things which Josh can do. We would be equal, we would be as one. We could run through here, hunting, having fun and just to enjoy the scenery, no matter what others think. We would only have to think of each other, while we were together. There would be no interference, no family, no school, no jobs... nothing; just us. We would be entwined in each other's love.

I really can be selfish, but Joshua is the only thing which matters right now. I still am thinking about William and David; I will never be able to forget. But somehow I can push that to one side, the shock is over and now I can concentrate on my life. Concentrate on getting out of here; for starters and getting the police onto the murders. I really don't want to think about that now; I really wonder how big this grave yard is going to be.

How come no one has been here for years? And the village, hidden deep amongst the watching eyes of the trees. Hidden from being seen, too far for a human to travel, hidden from the eyes of humans.

Why don't people live there anymore? My inner voice questions with curiosity. Oh, so many more questions, I have such a simple human mind... all this supernatural stuff is all so confusing to my mind. I assume the village being abandoned has something to do with the supernatural. I look up at Josh's perfect face, so much concentration. He chuckles and looks down at me; eyes gleaming in the sun, I see that sparkle, the inhuman sparkle which you wouldn't really notice unless you think about it. There's still the sorrow in his eyes, his pale brown eyes, they no longer look black.

He is really amazing. I pull my head closer into his chest, hugging him tighter round his neck. I feel him nuzzle his head into hair. I know for sure that there is nothing stopping us, stopping this love... no one will be able to prevent us from being together. My sexy, gorgeous and perfect beasty vampire... and your all mine and nothing but mine. Nobody can take you from me. I love you Josh... My inner self hums to him, cooing my lover telepathically.

Eventually I see an opening in the distance. There are a few houses still standing, however most of them are just ruins, fallen down with age. We are approaching it at high speed. I find Josh is slowing down the nearer we become.

The trees have formed an arch full of velvet flowers, and the grass is like a silky carpet of green fur, maintained by someone, it shows someone must be looking after this place. Josh lowers my feet to the ground. I stand slightly shaken from the run. I stare at the pretty flowers; the birds whistle to each other, I stare around at this beautiful setting. I cannot imagine anyone abandoning this place, how could anyone? It's too beautiful to even think about leaving. Josh guides me into the village, it's silent and empty, lonely but peaceful. Who could abandon such a beautiful place, I cannot help but ask the question over and over?

Some houses have weeds growing over them, covering the beauty of the old, natural rock, everything is nearly over grown but the beauty is still there. If someone was to take care of this place and live here it would be magnificent. I feel as if I have gone back in time to the Victoria age.

There is a well in the centre of the village as we wonder through. Every so often I look through some of the house windows, the houses which still remain that is. I see cobwebs and dust hiding the antique furniture. My heart burst with excitement, I have never seen anything like this before. The houses are small; some are cottages however some have two floors. I imagine people travelling down these cobble roads on horse and cart. Josh watches my expressions as I adventure many places. I don't dare enter the houses; I do not want to disturb the history. Many people used to live here, but now they have all gone. No one knows of this place, it isn't on any maps; maybe they do not want people to disturb such a beautiful place.

Josh stops dead; he stares at a house which still remains. I notice his eyes water with blood. I think this use to be his house, I don't know how I know; I just do. I stand by him and glance up and down at the house. This one is very large with very Victorian features, by the looks of it; it is the largest house in this village. It stands alone, parted from the other houses. I glance through the window and see an old Victorian dress draped over a chair; it's covered in a sheet of dust. The fire place has magnificent, ornaments placed on it carefully; I cannot see the detail very well though due to them also being caked in dust. There is still coal in the fire place; some coal has spilled out over the dark, wooden floor. Josh places a hand on the window and stares in. His fingers curl in a little as he remembers the past.

"This used to be my house; that was my mother's dress. When both my parents died, I left everything in place as they left it and moved away. I used to come back every so often to check up on it, no one had cleared it out knowing that I came back every so often. In time I noticed the villagers started to disappear, family by family. Some moved away because of its terrible myths, many died of old age and very few got the plague and were confined to their house.

'Eventually this beautiful place had been abandoned, and no one knows about it or remembers it. The people, who used to live here, claimed it was haunted and was riddled with vampires and witches. So in time the place became abandoned like I said," Josh looks at me, I hold my gaze up at him. His eyes are filled with blooded tears; mine also fills with tears as I feel his sorrow. He must have loved living here.

"I haven't come back for years and years till now," Josh explains, he looks down at me through blooded eyes, "Come on..., let's go in."

I follow him slightly cautious not to disturb anything; he shoves the door open with a little force. We enter; I stare around at everything, not daring to say a word. Chandeliers hang from the ceilings; the decoration is exquisite; all done with great care and time. Josh carefully leads me up the winding stairs, this house is enormous. At the top of the stairs, I look down; the floor seems miles away. He guides me along the landing; most of the doors are shut except a few.

I look into one bedroom, it looks like a girl's bedroom, and suddenly a picture catches my attention, a girl. I recognise her face, her eyes; the way they stare back, but before I can take a closer look Josh steers me away. He takes me to his room; his room is similar to the rest of the house. It's very large; it contains a bed in the far left corner, wardrobes, shelf's and all his old things which he left behind. As I step in, I notice Josh tip over a picture, why did he do that, too many bad memories maybe?

I would lift it up and look at it, but maybe he did it because I am not meant to see it. I notice a few dated electrical items which cannot be used here unless they have batteries; I assume he brought them back with him when he visited this place over the years. There are many books; I blow the dust of them as I pick them out carefully. Some are old novels, hand written of course, a few are history. Many are first editions which have been hand written or typed up on a type writer.

I notice a small painting of his parents; I can see a few features that he has inherited from his mother. Somehow it makes me think of Amanda. They are ever so beautiful, of course not as perfect as Josh as he's a vampire, so there is some difference; but the painting is delicately detailed. I glance around, and I pick up an old scrap book; the pages are falling out slightly, so I take good care. It's Josh's old diary. Before I read anything I look at him.

"May I read it? I don't want to intrude your privacy," I ask quietly. He nods and waves a hand at me to allow me to read it. He turns away and looks through some of his stuff.


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