Another boy sees your scars/fresh cuts #25 2/5

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Trigger warning! (Self-harm)
Skip if your uncomfortable about this topic.


Let's start :)
Niall (16 yrs old)
You've always cut. It was a routine every night, before you go to bed.

It was 11pm on a Friday. Which meant the boys comes over. You knew they wouldn't want to hang out with you. Nobody does these days. Your whole family loved your personality. They didn't know. Why would they? They never asked how was your day. They would never know. They loved how carefree you were - you were like Niall's twin. Personality & appearance was so similar. Lately they noticed your not the same little Y/N. Not happy, don't eat much and your blue eyes weren't sparkling like usual.

You were in your bathroom. Slicing your wrists until you see large amounts of blood. You smiled while looking at your art. You looked up to the door. It was opened. You ran out into the hall - wrists still bleeding. You saw Harry on the floor crying. "Hazza?" He looked up and grabbed you and dragged you to the bathroom. "Why?" He said softly. "Nobody loves me." You replied looking down. "That's pure utter bullshit. We all love you." Harry said. He started to clean your cuts. "You know this is painful to see." Harry's said, calmly. "No it isn't Harry. You're not in pain. It's too hard to stop." You replied. Harry bent down to get the blade and looked at it. "How many times did you cut today?" He questioned. "3" You mumbled. "Ok" with that he dragged the blade across his wrists 3 times. You sat their shocked. "I saw you doing this 20 minutes ago. It hurts to watch you doing this. It hurts everyone around you." He said looking into your eyes. "Promise me you'll try and stop." "Promise, but you can't tell Niall."

"Too late." You knew that Irish accent from anywhere.

Louis (18 yrs old)
Everyone thought you were exactly like Louis. Wrong. You two had opposite personality's. He was; Outgoing, loud, funny, confident and rich. You were; Shy, quiet, broke and sarcastic. You kept yourself to yourself. Bottled all your feelings up. Didn't tell nobody. Not a single soul. You were always like this. You always got along with Zayn. His personality was so similar to yours.

But the consequences of bottling your feelings up did not help. Cut after cut. All along your arms/wrists was scars or fresh cuts. You would tell yourself every night you'd promise you would stop. Though that never happened. As you said,"Promises was made to be broken."

You got tired of hiding your cuts. You got tired of fighting to be happy. You got tired of life. So when Liam saw your cuts. You were emotionless. You closed your eyes hoping everything and everyone disappeared. But no that didn't happen. You laid there in bed. Seeing your family and the boys, crying. Of course you were in the hospital. It smelt like it. Louis ran up to you and hugged you saying, "I'm glad you're OK, we were worried you would die." And these next 6 words broke everybody's heart.

"I wish if I was dead."

I only do this when you guys comment really nice things/vote alot.
The next I update I will do the rest if the boys using this situation.
And I told my best friend about my little incident. So I feel so much better. I don't feel guilty anymore :)

Love ya xx

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