Part 25

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Hey all!Spent the past two hours of this morning working on this *yikes*. It is possible that I might not work on this fanfic for the next day or two because I seriosuly need to update Our Thunder!!! *bites lip* AND I am calling upon your help, can anyone tell me how long American Christmas/Winter break lasts for and if it goes until/past New Years day? Thanks xx

 Poppy’s POV:

Everyone had slept over on Christmas Eve, we all woke to Frank’s voice and body slams. “Get up! Get up! Get up! It’s Christmas peoples! Time for presents and real food!” He yelled and I rolled over.

   I saw a sleepy looking Mikey looking at me with a tired smile, “Good morning Popsicle…” He yawned, I smiled and rubbed my eyes absently.

    “Merry Christmas Mikey…” I leant forward and kissed his lips lightly until I remembered we had shared Mikey’s bed with Ray and Maria last night. Luckily I looked and the two were only just moving.

I laughed quietly and sat up before stretching, I was wearing my baseball tee as a pyjama shirt and an old pair of Mikey’s pants. I didn’t look any better than a hay stack right now, but I felt like a million dollars.

Before long we were all in the living room, yawning, stretching and smiling. “Present time?” Frank asked and smiled sweetly, Wren had her arms around him and her head rested on his shoulder.

  Gee looked happily to Leda, the two still acted like parents to all of us even though they were just as immature. “Sure, everyone! Time to reveal whose prezzie you bought.” Leda declared and Gee kissed her cheek.

Everyone left for a moment and came back with either a bag, package or wrapped gift. We took turns at handing our presents to one another; Leda handed Frankie a large looking and squishable package which he ripped open and screamed when he opened it, he hugged a plush, flying cupcake- the one I had grabbed for him at the store- to his chest. “Oh my god! Sparkles Flutter! You came baaack!” He looked like such a baby and I couldn’t help but smile, everyone did when he kissed Leda’s cheek and hugged her. “You are the best Leda!” He laughed and Leda smiled proudly.

 After Frank gave Wren new purple skinnies and a Hot Topic voucher Ray came to me with a present in hand. “We found this the other night at a second hand store when we were walking home,” Ray shrugged and handed me the present.

  I smiled in thanks, and opened the wrapping quickly- It was one of those awesome Polaroid cameras that printed the photos and I bit my lip, “Thankyou!” I hugged Ray and he hugged me back.

I spent the rest of the morning on my belly, taking photos of everything- This was my first real Christmas since my dad had died, it wasn’t spent with one of my mom’s boyfriends with them getting drunk and leaving me at home all day… No, this was my family, the people in these snapshots with wide smiles and they were actually here.

I snapped Mikey’s reaction when I gave him his unicorn plushie and an old marvel comic book collection, Ray’s reaction when Gerard gave him an afro comb and a set of vintage and collectable guitar picks, Maria’s reaction when Wren gave her a Harry Potter box set and a Hedwig toy, Gerard’s reaction when Mikey’s gave him a kid’s size Batman suit and the original Batman on DVD and Leda’s reaction when Maria gave her a brand new multi-coloured tutu and a voucher for hair dyes. (Leda’s hair was in favour of the Christmas spirit and dyed green wit red streaks now)

   Frank, Maria and Wren all spent an hour trying to cook pancakes and eventually succeeded while Gerard spent an hour trying to fit into the Batman suit that I was sure Mikey had bought for this exact reason- the entertainment of seeing Gee try and fit in it.

I laid on my back with my Polaroid camera, I knew it was going to run out of film soon enough and I’d have to find some more but I was just fine with that. Mikey laid back with me, “Can I take a picture?” I asked and Mikey smiled before kissing my cheek, I snapped that picture right there- the perfect moment.

Gerard’s POV:

  This was the best Christmas I had ever had, I finally felt like I had a family and people worth living for. Leda stayed by my side for the whole day. When it started getting late fireworks were going off somewhere and we all sat out the front of my place and watched them fly. I had settled for just wearing the Batman mask and I knew that Mikey had purposely only gotten a kid’s size in the costume…

    “What shall we do to celebrate Christmas the traditional way?” Leda asked, she had her head resting on my chest, she was also wearing her new multicoloured tutu that looked so cute.

    “Hmm… No one knows how to cook turkey or roast… We shops are shut so we can’t by bon-bons… We have no eggnog or drunk uncles… How about we watch The Nightmare Before Christmas?” I wondered and Leda looked up with a smile.

     “Best idea yet. Do you wanna round up all the kiddies or is that my job?” She wondered with a a laugh and we both got up to get the monsters.

We ate leftover pizza, peanut butter cups, chips, ice-cream and more pancakes while we watched The Nightmare Before Christmas. We had everyone’s pillows and blankets all thrown onto the living room floor and on the sofa and we lied in a cluster with our junk food and watched quietly- Only breaking the silence when Frank made Sparkles Flutter the flying Cupcake, Skittles Munster the Monster and Rainbows Glitter Gore the Unicorn have conversation in the middle of the movie.

Wren’s POV:

  I love Frankie when he was this adorable and childlike, I loved him all the time anyway but this was just so cute! He had the three toys acting out scenes to random movies by the time The Nightmare Before Christmas was a quarter through. I ate a cold pancake and tried watching both Frankie and the movie.

This was my idea of Christmas. Stuff family get togethers and roast dinners, this was fun and comfortable… This was the way I wanted to spend every Christmas… Jus me and my new family, the family I loved more than any I had ever had before.

I laughed when Poppy took a picture of Leda who was now asleep on Gerard and Mikey looked like he was about to fall asleep. I wondered whether we were all going to fall asleep out here and just wakeup in this crazy ass group and laugh at ourselves, or if we did if Poppy would wake up first and get a picture of us all asleep and covered in junk food wrappers and if we’d all piss ourselves laughing at the picture for years to come… It was probably one of the happiest thoughts I had had since I had tried to kill myself… I just wanted all of my thoughts from now on to be so happy.

 Frank noticed me looking off into the distance and kissed next my lips softly, I turned and smiled, “I love you Frankie.” I mumbled.

    “Rainbows Glitter Gore, Sparkles Flutter, Skittles Munster and I all love you too Wrennie.” He whispered and I laughed softly before putting my head on his shoulder.

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