Part 26

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A massive piece of shiz happens in this chapter! Thanks to none other than Crzecupcake who will be happy with the following chapter!! Hope you all enjoy! xx


Maria’s POV:

   It felt like Christmas had been an eternity ago with all of its good memories when it had only been a few days ago, it was New Years Eve.

I was freezing my butt off outside with everyone else, we all had sparklers and Frank kept complaining every time they burnt his hands. “Frank, you stomp them out before they burn that far!” Wren said for at least the hundredth time and Frank smiled innocently.

Leda and Poppy stood next to one another and drew hearts in the dark sky with their sparklers and the guys tried writing their names. I pulled my trench coat tight with one hand and swung the sparkler around in circles so the sparks jumped out, “Swish and flick!” I laughed and did the action that I learnt from Harry Potter.

  “Are you having fun here on your own?” Ray asked and watched me be weird, I nodded quickly and smiled.

   “Yep, just making sure my wizarding skills don’t get rusty.” I shrugged and his hook his head while he laughed at me.

Mikey’s POV:

  The fireworks stopped after one in the morning and then Leda and Gee were walking up to me with Maria and Ray close behind. “We are gonna stay at Leda’s tonight bro,” Gee said and smiled.

I nodded, “That’s cool. Where are Wren and Frank staying tonight?” I asked and looked at them chasing each other with the sparklers.

    “They are going to Frank’s.” Gee shrugged, “We’re gonna go now, see you!” He waved and so did everyone else before they all said, “Happy New Year!”

Frank’s sister picked him and Wren up at around two before it was just Poppy and I locking up, “I’m going to have a quick shower.” I said and Poppy nodded with a yawn.

    “Night then Mikey… Happy New Year…” She yawned again and put her head back on my pillow, she was so cute when she slept with her curls all around her face. She was asleep after only a minute and I smiled to myself before grabbing my towel.

I had a longer shower than I thought I would have and it was probably twenty minutes or so before I stepped out, I started getting dressed and the whole bathroom was filled with steam- I sniffed and realised that was not fucking steam.

I opened the bathroom door and the whole house was filled with thick smoke and I instantly started coughing. Fuck. I didn’t even think before I was running toward the living room which was up in hot flames, I didn’t panic though, the one thing I did was run straight back to my room.

   “Poppy!” I yelled and looked through the smoke to my bed- everything was hard to see because of the smoke and because I didn’t have my glasses on- Poppy laid o my bed and didn’t move, that was when I freaked. I raced toward Poppy and scooped her limp body up in my arms before running back toward the living room with her, there was no way I could get through the front door without catching on fire- I started coughing again, then I remembered Frank’s route.

 I ran to Gerard’s room while I coughed and shoved open his window before getting Poppy through the window and trying not to drop her before I was climbing through, once I carried Poppy far enough away from the house I yelled for help between coughs and trying to get Poppy to wake up.

   “Come on sweetie, come on…” I mumbled and stroked her face which didn’t twitch. After only a few seconds neighbours I didn’t even known we had were out and trying to help and only a minute later the emergency services had arrived…

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