Part 32

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Hardest part about this chapter was deciding which effing awesome MCR quotes to use!!!!!!!

 Gerard’s POV:

When they all showed me their tattoos I tried not to freak about the needle thing. I had to admit that if I wasn’t so creeped out by needles I would have a tattoo just like their’s.

Today I had gone for an interview with Mikey’s boss and he had given me a job in the book section, I started the next day on a bit of a crappy wage but it was better than nothing.

  After dinner Jenna and Abi went home before everyone was getting ready to sleep. Bob was following Wren around tonight, it pretty much meant he was stalking Frank too and Frank got all jumpy about it- Him and his black eye.

I laid in bed and kept the covers up to my chin and Leda slipped in, “How was the interview?” She asked and put her arms around me.

    “It was good… I start tomorrow.” I shrugged and I saw Leda smiled widely.

    “That’s great! I’ll wake you up tomorrow when everyone else gets up and… I’ll get you some clean clothes for your first day.” She said happily, she sounded like a wife crossed with my mom.

   I smiled a little and kissed her lips, “I love you Leda. Don’t worry about chasing after me though, just do what you need.” I mumbled and she pouted at me.

I fell asleep soon after saying that, I vaguely remember multiple attempts at waking me up out of my sleep and I was pretty sure it was morning but I ignored peoples attempts and kept under my covers.

      “Dude. Get your ass out of bed!” Mikey ordered and pulled my blankets quickly, making me fall on the ground. I squeezed my eyes shut before opening them and looking up at my pissed looking brother, “I put in a good word and I don’t want you letting yourself or anyone else down. Get ready.” He ordered before walking out.

I sighed and rubbed my ass which had hit the ground pretty hard, Mikey was right- He had gotten this job and I couldn’t let him down.

Leda’s POV:

I watched as those attending school today rushed around like they were plotting something- Like usual. But I was as shocked as anyone and just as shocked as they were when Gerard came down the stairs in a button up black blouse with his dark jeans, his hair brushed and looking presentable.

    “Morning.” He said and walked up to me before giving me a kiss, I kissed him back before looking at the clock and holding back a gasp. It was hardly past eight o’clock in the morning and Gerard Arthur Way was dressed and looking alive.

    “Uh, morning… Have some breakfast.” I said quickly and put my plate with a piece of toast in front of him, he narrowed his eyes slightly before taking it.

     “Thanks… You don’t have to act so shocked seeing me presentable.” He muttered with his mouth half full.

    I shrugged, “Sorry… It’s just a little itty bitty surprising.” I mumbled and he smiled before shaking his head.

Gerard sat with me for around five minutes and we watched as Wren, Mikey, Frank and Poppy all ran around with each other before Ray and Maria were sitting next to us and shrugging.

  Frank started up the stairs before Bob was after him for some unknown reason and grabbing his jeans, “Piss off Bob!” Frank whined and grabbed his pants before falling halfway down the stairs on his belly, we all laughed.

Frank’s POV:

   After being attacked for the millionth time by Bob I made a full recovery and met with Wren, Mikey and poppy upstairs.

Poppy and Wren had shirts slung over their arms and they handed me a red one and a marker, they handed Mikey a grey shirt with a marker and smiled at us. “Write something that’ll piss off anyone official and right.” Wren said with an evil grin that was both sexy and cute.

   I nodded and Mikey and I knelt on the floor before thinking. It only took me a moment before I was writing something, ‘Homophobia Is Gay’.

Wren and Poppy read what I wrote and clapped, I read what Mikey wrote ‘There is Less Violence in the World when People are Using Hula-Hoops. I gave him a high five before the girls were writing on theirs.

   ‘I Am Not Afraid To Keep On Living’ was what Wren wrote and Poppy wrote ‘I Lost My Fear Of Falling’, Poppy had a green shirt and Wren had a purple one.

We walked out wearing our new shirts and Ray, Maria, Gee and Leda all smiled as they read our shirts. “Go get them dudes, but if you get in shit don’t expect me to get you out of it.” Gee laughed and gave us all a high five before we were leaving.

We got to Jenna and Abi’s place which they shared, it was a crappy and run down little place. We knocked and when Jenna let us in she read our shirts slowly.

    “Uh-” before she could finish Wren and Poppy were handing her a yellow shirt and a marker.

Jenna did the same as us, ‘Do it loud and Do it Proud’.

When Abi surfaced with perfect eye makeup he stopped when he saw us and Poppy handed him a sky blue shirt and a markers, “Write what you want.” She said with a smiled and Abi took it silently, he thought for just a second before scribbling some words on it. ‘You are all fucking beautiful’.

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