Part 31

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Wren’s POV:

   Our group was just as tight knit at school but we now had Jenna and Abi, we got double the looks but for some reason we hardly noticed. We just strolled through, because in our minds we were top shit.

 We spent all of our lunches together and I really liked talking to Abi and Jenna about everything under the sun, they were a year older than us so we had no classes together but we spent every afternoon together at our place.

    It was second lunch and we all sat in the canteen with our crappy canteen lunches and talked about what had happened in class, and Abi bitched about the contestants on America’s Next Top Model.

    “Why do you watch it if you just complain?” Frank questioned and looked totally confused.

    “Oh I don’t know! Maybe because all of the girls are so fabulous… Oh, and Tyra Banks is so hot.” Abi shrugged and grinned, Frank looked more confused than ever.

     “But… Uh, not to be rude… But you’re gay right? How can Tyra Banks be hot?” Frank asked and looked to all of us to see if we were as confused.

     “Frankie dear, e means as in a friendly way that friends say to one another… You know how I call Poppy and Leda and Maria pretty or you call Mikey a sexy bitch?-”

      “Amen!” Abi broke in at the mention of Mikey being sexy, luckily for Mikey’s sake he was getting his lunch and didn’t hear.

     We all laughed and Poppy smiled, a little embarrassed for some reason. “Ohh… I think I get it now.” Frank shrugged and Mikey sat with his tray between Frank and Poppy.

      “Get what?” He wondered.

      “Nothing, just explaining something to Frank.” I muttered and Mikey nodded slowly.

      “Does anyone understand this shit?” Jenna asked randomly and shoved a text book into the centre of the table, the page was covered in letters and mathematical sums that made my head turn.

      “Put it away before I barf.” I muttered and shoved it away, now dreading senior year maths.

Frank’s POV:

   The final bell rang and our classes filed out into the corridor, I ran into Abi on the way. “Hey, can you just wait out here for a sec? I’ll just be a minute, I need to check my eyeliner.” Abi said quickly and ducked into the boys’ toilets.

 I nodded and leant against the wall, I waited for a minute before a few boys from the football team headed in, all carrying on like the butt-heads they were. I didn’t think about it until I realised that it was Abi in there that I was waiting for and not someone like Mikey.

  Fuck. I raced in in time to catch the football players start shoving Abi around, “What a fag!”

“Why aren’t you in the girls’ room homo?”

Abi didn’t shove back and I doubted that even if he did it would have done something and I was about to step between them when one of the football players punched Abi. That was it.

   “Leave him along dickwats!” I yelled before jumping at the guy who had punched Abi.

Mikey’s POV:

   Jenna, Wren, Poppy and I waited at the front steps to the school for Abi and Frank. It had been ten minutes or so since school finished so we were getting suspicious, “Let’s go see where they are-” Jenna started before Frank was stumbling through the school doors with Abi just behind him. Frank had a visible black eye and Abi had a bloody lip.

    “What the fuck happened?” Jenna questioned at the same time as Wren, they ran to them while Poppy and I stared.

     “Uh, Abi was being shoved around by some jocks so I got into a rumble.” Frank shrugged and Wren had her arms around him and was checking his black eye.

     “Are you okay?” They both worried.

    “I’m okay since Frank helped… I think I would be a queer mess on the bathroom tiles otherwise.” Abi mumbled and Jenna pouted before anger tore through her features.

      “I’m gonna murder some mother fuck-” Poppy put up her hand quickly.

  “We are all really pissed about this right? Let’s not get revenge the way you are planning, Jenna.” She eyed Jenna who poked her tongue out. “Follow me.” Poppy mumbled and started on her way away from school.

Less then an hour later we were all in a tattoo parlour and Poppy was deciding with Wren what kind of tattoo they were getting, “-Yeah, a purple star, make sure it’s a bright purple… With Green writing saying ‘Carry On’ in it.” They all agreed.

   Jenna went first, she didn’t eve pull a face and she laughed as she got it on her neck. Wren went next, getting the tattoo on her wrist. Poppy got it on her hand, Frank decided to get it in the same spot. Abi got it on his neck like Jenna and then I was in the chair feeling like a baby as I got it on my wrist.

After the tattoos (Which in my case, I thought it hurt) Poppy ended up getting a piercing on her bottom lip to the left side and Wren got her nose done. I couldn’t stop thinking about the term ‘lady balls’ and how correct it really was… Girls did have balls, balls of steel to be precise.

We left the tattoo parlour, I tried not to scratch where I got the tattoo. It didn’t seem to phase anyone else, they all laughed about it.

Maria’s POV:

   Leda and I sat at home, we felt like mothers while we waited for Wren, Poppy, Mikey and Frank to get back- Also expecting Jenna and Abi.

When they did get home Leda and I stared, Poppy and Frank had tattoos on their hands- Mikey and Wren had them on their wrists, Abi and Jenna had them on their necks and Poppy and Wren had piercings?! Was this really what happened when you left kids alone these days?

    “Uh, when… When did you guys decide to get tattoos?” Leda asked and studied the one on Wren’s hand. It was a bright purple outline of a star with bright green cursive writing in the outline reading ‘Carry On’.

      “This afternoon when Poppy suggested it, after Abi got shoved around and Frank beat someone up.” Wren shrugged like it was nothing, I’d hardly noticed Frank’s black eye and Abi’s bloody lip.

    “Oh. Are you guys alright?” I asked quickly and they nodded with a shrug.

We stood in silence for another second, “I think Gee will freak.” Leda laughed after a moment and everyone looked a little confused apart from Mikey who laughed too.

     “Gee is terrified of needles.” He laughed and we all smiled.

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