Chapter 1 Wingless Angel

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I am acutely aware of the pain radiating from my wings but even more aware of the death and destruction at Laketown.

I can hear it.

The Valor are punishing me for letting Smaug escape me.

I can hear every whimper and cry.

Every scream and shout.

Every single yell and plead.

I can hear everything.




As soon as the initial shock turns into terror Bilbo dashes out of the mountain. Jacob helps me to follow him to the tallest hill where an outpost was built ages ago. From there we watch the town burn from a huge dragons fire while a smaller dragon tries to put it out.

I don't know what to make of it.

"Poor souls," Balin murmurs. The other dwarves followed us out. Thorin however stands away staring with a blank face. No sympathy on his face. No regret. Nothing.




"Alright everyone into the boat below. We need to stay close to water and get out," Tauriel states gently guiding Sigrid and Tilda down the stairs. She clutches Lacy's hand while ushering everyone down. I step down after Alex and Kili are helped. Lacy and Tauriel take the rear.

Lacy eyes me and I know she can see. She can see who my bond is.

We let Tauriel take leadership and guide the boat after everyone is settled in. The dragon is upon the town now. I can see rooftops burning and hear screeching. The boat slowly floats down the water and we are forced to watch.

Tilda and Sigrid have wide eyes and open mouths. Their town is burning and their neighbors dying.

Every time I see the dragon fly over I flinch. With every breath he kills more. I cannot believe fate right now.

"Watch out!" Sigrid suddenly yells just as he swoops down and pours fire over us. Screwing my eyes shut I freeze up. But no fire touches me.

"EMILY!" Fili cries and my eyes fly open. A small dragon like creature flies above us blocking the flames. It is Emily! She's changed! She's transformed.

"Fili! You're okay thank goodness!" Emily exclaims, turning around, once the danger passes. Her entire body is covered in scales, wings protrude from her back, her eyes are orange with slits, her nails have grown long into claws, and her mouth is full of sharp teeth.

"You've changed," Fili gasps, shocked. Emily looks down at herself then back up. Her face seems to crumple.

"Yes I have." Then she's gone flying away quickly to chase down Smaug once again.

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