Chapter 27 Kili

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I soar behind Thorin and land beside him atop Ravenhill. I don't look at him or even acknowledge him.

Azog smiles sadistically at us from across the ice.

"Your time on this Middle Earth is all but through Azog," I state in a deep menacing voice. Thorin launches at Azog waving his sword. I hang back and watch as Azog whips out a ball and chain. Thorin manages to dodge the first swing and the second bit the third knocks him down. That's when I step in.

Using my wings to get a height advantage I launch at Azog and swing my sword. He raises his brand new shiny sword hand and blocks me. Thorin takes the distraction and swings at his leg getting one hit in before Azog'a back up minions step in.

"Go in for the kill! Finish him!" Azog orders in a loud grisly voice. With a huff I land and help Thorin with the new orcs.

My thoughts are completely strategic and tactical with all feelings of betrayal pushed away.

More and more orcs come at his appearing from behind rocks and crevices.

"These creatures never end!" Thorin grunts as he battles it out with two slimy orcs. I neglect to respond to him and instead direct my attention to Legolas coming in on a bat?

Legolas stabs his ride in the stomach and gracefully lands on a nearby tower. With amazing precision he whips out his bow and starts taking down the minions.

Legolas opens and opportunity for me to direct my attention back to Azog who's watching with a scowl.

"Nothing can save you now," I proclaim darkly and stalk towards him.




In the lower levels of Ravenhills ruins it's utterly quiet.

"Fili!" I call out as I search for his body. I can't hear anything that would lead me to him which isn't good. My hopes plummet when I spot a tuft of bloody blonde hair.

With my heart in my throat I dash forward to find Fili lying crumpled on the ground barely alive.

"Oh Fili," I gasp and kneel by him. With steady hands I examine his wound and try not to show the shock on my face. Fili is barely conscious but he notices my reaction.

"S'not g-good right?" he coughs out with a sad smirk. I bite my lip and shake my head. "S'okay I-I've had a-a good life."

"You still have time Fili. Is there anything you want?"

"My last request you mean?" Fili snorts and Tauriel can't help but smile through tears. Emily will be so sad without him. "I wanna see my baby brother and dear Emily again. But it's not happening is it?"

"You may not make it up the steps," Tauriel answers truthfully. "But we can try. Brace yourself this hurt." Without warning Tauriel rips his jackets and binds his stomach tightly.

"Agh!" Fili's expressions twists into pain but Tauriel does not relent. She wastes no time in standing up and lifting the dwarf to support him. It's an awkward position for her seeing as she's so tall but they manage. "This does hurt!"

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