Chapter 36 Fili Durin

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Thorin found me collapsed outside the gates of Dale, my wings folded back into my skin and all the glow in my flesh gone.

He took me back to the tent, where what is left of my friends rest.


I awaken once more in the dead of night, what feels like only minutes later, to hear Emily gasping for breath as she sobs.

The funeral for her love is tomorrow and I imagine she is beginning to feel the new reality.




Allie is by my side as soon as my tears begin to disrupt the silent night. My chest hurts and the sobs make me shake and waiver.

"Dear Emily," she croons and takes my hand in hers. Her presence and touch offer little comfort to soothe the open wound in my soul. "Would you allow me to ease your pain?"

"If you take this pain then I will live to see decades without him," I utter and weakly lift my blankets to show her the growing blackness around my arrow wound.

The arrow was a morgue shaft, a poison that has been slowly killing me. With the fire in my veins it should be healing, but my grief has weakened me.

"Oh Emily," Allie sighs and places her free hand over the injury. "Allow me to assists in your healing."

"No!" I exclaim harshly and try to bat her hand away. "Don't! Please Allie!"

"You wish for me to let you die?" Allie whispers tersely and tears start swelling in her eyes. "Emily I cannot. You mustn't ask this of me, I beg of you not to."

"Allison please, be my angel of death and help me to leave this earth," I beg and Allie gapes at me. "Be my angel Allie."

"I can't Emily," she sobs. "Please don't make me do this, I can't do this."

"You will not be killing me Allison, I am already dead."

"But you live! You must live Emily! You must live for Sam, for Bilbo, for me! For his memory," she persists and presses her hand against my midriff. "Forgive me but I cannot allow you to go."

"No Allie!" I hiss as her veins start to run black and the pain lessens significantly. "Stop! Please I beg of you to stop!"

"Emily Writle," she says and my gaze meets hers. The eyes of my friend are glowing and have turned completely white.

In this moment I know she means to use her voice and divinity to gift me with peace, only not the kind I desire.

"Allie, I know what you mean to do." She says nothing so I inhale deeply and continue. "And I thank you for mending my mind."

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