Chapter 3 Smaug

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Natalie Hellsing


With a blood curdling scream I rip my hands away and fall back.

"Natalie!" Emily exclaims and kneels next to me.

"I remember. I remember it all," I gasp.

"I do as well," Smaug mutters sitting up slowly. His brilliant orange eyes meet mine and time seems to stop.

"You were cursed," I state. The pieces slowly come together in my mind. I heard a tale about a man cursed to be a dragon till he met his soulmate. I guess he's the cursed man and I the soulmate.

"I was cruel to a witch. But you have released me," Smaug replies and gets up. His height is taller than Thranduil's. "All the destruction I did. I've never been more regretful." His eyes are sad.

"Why'd you do it?" I ask and take his outstretched hand. Smaug hauls me to my feet with ease.

"The witch wanted me dead so she created an alternate personality that took me over. So all this wasn't me, it was him. I guess the remaining drake traits serve as a sick reminder," Smaug explains. His eyes wander around examining every bit of chaos he caused.

"And me. The legend says we're related. Do you know anything about that?" Emily suddenly asks.

"I don't I've been alive for long time," Smaug admits. "But I have never been happier than now. Natalie Hellsing advisor of Greenwood from the Shire I will protect your life with mine for as long as I live."

"That's a very serious vow to make for a Shire hobbit," I chuckle nervously. Smaug falls to one knee before me and bows his head.

"I'm very serious about your safety. You've freed me from my curse and you are my soulmate." I bite my lip and oddly pat his black curlys.

"I suppose I'll try my best to keep you safe as well," I say with an awkward smile.

"EMILY! NATALIE!" Alex shouts and our gazes turn to the approaching boat. Fili, Tauriel, Lacy, Kili, Fili, and Alex clamber off the boat and up to us. Fili runs into Emily's open arms while Alex and Kili help each other come to Smaug and I.

"Alex, Kili this is Smaug my..uh..soulmate I guess," I introduce with a weird hand gesture.

"Your soulmate is a fucking dragon who killed at least ten thousand people!" Kili exclaims.

"That's fucking awesome!" Alex cheers and grabs Smaugs hand roughly. "It is so nice to meet you. You are such an inspiration to me!"

"Thanks I guess?" Smaug murmurs.

"That's why your bond line is on fire," Lacy remarks. "I was wondering."

"Lacy stay back. I do not trust this beast," Tauriel hisses and steps in front of Lacy protectively.

"It's okay Tauriel. He was cursed he had no clue what he was doing. He's no longer dangerous," I assure. Tauriel looks skeptic but steps aside nonetheless.

"Now that we've all met I think we need to escape this town," Bard cuts in. His children are clinging to his legs desperately.

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