Chapter 35 Alex Blackheart and Kili Durin

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It has been days since the battle ended but it will be a century at least before the wounds are healed.

Today is the funeral for Alex and Kili, tomorrow Fili, and the day after Bofur. Dozens more funerals are planned for the following weeks after the battle.

Life seems bleary and bleak now. It feels as thought I have not worn a color other than black in years.

Even so I don it again.


"I would see happier days for you," Thorin murmurs as he wipes a stray tear from my eye. It is joy fitting him comforting me, he has lost a nephew as well as I have lost a sister.

"The agony will fade and we will know joy once again," I promise and he nods. "We must move forward, rebuild Erebor and our lives anew."

"Yes, we shall wed and you made queen," he muses. "I will see a crown upon your head."

"A hobbit queen? Sounds silly," I mutter and he smiles.

"It is unique like you."

"You should know Thorin Oakenshield I will not be a pretty queen with no wits about her," I warn and he chuckles.

"A pretty queen with many wits and plans you shall become," he foresees and offers me his arm. I take it and stand, we both support each other.

Each of us takes agonized steps away from our tent and into the streets crowded with black garments and lowered heads.

Grace is standing by the stretchers with the bodies laid out and covered in silk on top of them.

The strongest of us will carry them to the tomb of glass and stone straddling the border between Greenwood and Erebor. Each has a casket of stone base with partially shrouded glass coverings.

Sam, Grace, Smaug, and Thranduil shall bear Alex while Balin, Gloin, Nori, and Ori shall carry Kili.

Thorin and Fili would be the main carriers to lift Kili but Thorin is far too injured and Fili long dead.

Tauriel comes from the tent of the gravely injured with Natalie and Emily beside her. She is reluctant to leave Lacy, but Alex was a dear friend.

The elves have already begun to sing soft laments of their lives while the dwarves sing chanting tales of their triumphs.

Thorin stiffens by my side at the dwarvish music and I rub his arm, a gesture that is the barest amount of comfort.

"I can shoulder your weight my love, while we make this long trek," I murmur to him and take his arm around my shoulders. Thorin leans on me and I help him to the start of the line.

Softly we start, one foot after the other, into a life without Kili and Alex.


A small infinity later do we arrive at the tomb and I help Thorin step aside so the bodies can be carried in. Thorin is exhausted and appears to have aged years since we began.

Inside Alex and Kili are set down beside each other and locked into their graves.

The carriers step back out where the onlookers wait for words to be spoken.

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