Chapter 13 Trade

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I can't even believe this argument is still happening. Gandalf has been on and off his soap box all day.

"Since when has my council counted for so little? What do you think I'm trying to do?" Gandalf questions impatiently. I know I need to take this seriously but I'm more annoyed than concerned.

"I think you're trying to save your Dwarvish friends. And I admire your loyalty to them. But it does not dissuade me from my cause. You started this, Mithrandir, you will forgive me if I finish it," Thranduil declares and leaves the tent. We of course follow him out.

"He won't listen to you Gandalf," I mutter, very annoyed. Gandalf nods and utters something incoherent under his breath.

"Are the archers in position?" Thranduil asks Ailendir, the temporary head of guard.

"Yes, My Lord."

"Give the order. If anything moves on that mountain, kill it. The Dwarves are out of time," Thranduil demands and I see real darkness in his eyes.

"You've made a huge mistake Thranduil. I get that you're angry about Eleni and the necklace but you can't take it out on them!" I snap.

"Do not speak of her! You know nothing of her mind!" Thranduil hisses. His face is a cold fury, but it will not make me step down.

"I know more thank you think. I knew her too! I miss her too! You don't get to do this in her name! You don't get to start a war in her name!" I scream my anger and annoyance finally exploding. "If you truly loved her you would not do this."




"Allie I need your help," Bilbo utters to me. I've been thinking on Thorins words all day alone up on the wall. I really wish things wouldn't have unfolded like this.

"With what Bilbo?" I ask and tilt my head. He's talking in a low voice which ultimately means secrecy.

"Emily and I are taking the Arkenstome to Thranduil and Bard," Bilbo states and I let out a loud gasp. Taking Thorins Arkenstone and giving it to the enemy is a shit idea

"We want to bargain a way out of war," Emily explains before I even have a chance to ask. It may be a death wish to do this but Emily is right. This may be the only way out.

"I'll help," I say. "How are we gonna get down? I can't fly."

"I have a rope," Emily replies and holds it up. This can't end well but I guess we need to try.

"Okay," I sigh. Emily gives a firm nod and ties the rope to a sharper rock on the wall. After testing its tightness she throws the rest of the rope over the wall.

"I'll go first," Bilbo volunteers and grabs the rope in his hand. Shakily he lowers himself off the wall and repels down. Emily goes next and then me. Climbing down the wall isn't as unnerving for me because I'm used to dangling in open air.

When I get to the ground Emily and Bilbo help me arrange my broken wings again. They still hang low in the braces and swipe alone the ground.

"We have to run so we can bargain and be back before the dwarves notice our absence," Emily says. Bilbo and I give a nod before we all take off sprinting towards Dale.




We made it into Dale fairly easily and snuck past all the half asleep guards to the royal tent. It was obvious that is where Thranduil and Bard are.

"You, bowman! Do you agree with this? Is gold so important to you? Would you buy it with the blood of Dwarves?" Gandalf shouts and we approach. Of course Gandalf has showed up. What perfect timing he has.

"The arguments have already started," Allie breathes. With silent steps we reach the tent and stand at the entrance. Natalie is sitting of in the corner with Smaug looking very pissed off, Bard is standing by Thranduil, and Gandalf is pacing around the tent.

"It will not come to that. This is a fight they cannot win," Bard reasons. He is wise but he knows nothing of dwarves.

"That won't stop them. You think the Dwarves will surrender? They won't. They will fight to the death to defend their own," Bilbo points out bitterly.

"Bilbo Baggins!" Gandalf exclaims in surprised then his eyes find Emily and I. "Along with Lady Allie and Lady Emily."

"If I'm not mistaken, this is the Halfling who stole the keys to my dungeons from under the nose of my guards," Thranduil concludes with an almost scowl. I think he looks amused.

"Yes. Sorry about that. I came to give you this," Bilbo mutters and plops the Arkenstone right on a table in the center of the table. Allie stares at it with sunken eyes and a blank expression.

"The Heart of the Mountain. The King's jewel," Thranduil whispers and stands up out of his makeshift throne. Bard moves forward to examine it closely.

"And worth a king's ransom," Bard adds. "How is this yours to give?"

"I took it as my share of the treasure," Bilbo responds.

"Thorin has seemed to replace the Arkenstone with me anyways," Allie chimes in sadly.

"Why would you do this? You owe us no loyalty," Bard inquires with a raised eyebrow. I like Bard he is kind.

"We're not doing it for you. I know that Dwarves can be obstinate and pigheaded and difficult. And suspicious and secretive with the worst manners you can possibly imagine, but they are also brave and kind and loyal to a fault," Bilbo answers and chokes up.

"We've grown very fond of them, and we would save them if we could," Emily continues. Allie looks up suddenly and stares Thranduil straight in the eyes.

"Thorin values this stone above all else. In exchange for its return, I believe he will give you what you were owed. There will be no need for war," Allie states firmly.

"We will try this method little hobbits. We will try."

I really hope this saves them.

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