Chapter 18 Centuries

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"Listen, I need you to gather the women and children, take them to the Great Hall and barricade the door. You understand? You must not come out for any reason," Bard guides his children tersely. Bard hands Bain a loose sword and kisses all his kids heads. I watch around to make sure no orcs attack while we're distracted.

In the distance I see Lacy approaching warily. She is alone. Sam must have sent her into the city for safety.

"We want to stay with you," Tilda whines. Alfrid suddenly jumps out from his hiding space in front of us.

"I got my arm cut so Sam sent me into the city walls," Lacy explains as she walks up to me.

"I understand," I say and nod.

"Show your father some respect. You leave it to me, Sire," Alfrid snaps and glares at Sigrid and Tilda. "You heard him, we make to the Great Hall." Alfrid hurriedly shoves Sigrid and Tilda along and I roll my eyes.

"Alfrid, women and children only. I need every man fighting. See that you return," Bard orders darkly and I shove an orc sword into Alfrids arms.

"I'll get them to safety, Sire. Then my sword is yours to command," Alfrid says with fake graciousness.

"Look after them," Bard murmurs to Bain.

"I will," Bain promises and heads off with his sisters and Alfrid.

"I will accompany them," Lacy states and follows after. She is not meant for fighting.

"Let us rejoin the battle then," Bard remarks and swings his sword before dashing off.




As I tear a hole in Azogs army I can't help but remember an earlier conversation with Allie before all this.

"Allie Kili and I would like to talk to you," I prompt and step forward. Allie is sitting in her throne chair braiding Lacy's hair who sits in front of her on the ground. Sam is off to the side comparing two different battle axes. Thorin is off looking through the gold and Fili is covering Emily with jewels just beside Sam.

"Whats wrong?" Allie inquires without looking up from the braid.

"There is a chance Kili and I might not survive this. We are both injured and if one of us gets hurt the other is too.." Kili trails off looking somber.

"If one of us dies the other dies too," Alex adds. "We just want you to make sure that if we do die that we're remembered."

"Your name shall be remembered for centuries I promise," Allie vows. "I will not let your stories rust they will be made golden in the memories of all."




"Come on now we're gonna get you safe," I coo to a little girl hiding under some debris. She takes my hand and I hustle her to the small crowd of woman and children heading to the Great Hall. This is the kind of contribution I can make to the effort.

"Shift it, granny," Alfrid grumbles and shoves a poor old woman.

"Watch it Aflrid," I snap and glare darkly. Alfrid roll his eyes at me and hands his sword to one of the woman. Luckily it seems nothing but the outer streets have been breached.

"Make for the Great Hall," Bain shouts loudly as it comes into view. The crowd starts to move faster and into the hall. I watch as Alfrid shoves his way through the crowd and into the hall.

"Out of my way! Abandon the cripples!"

What a pathetic man.


After making sure the woman and children were safely barricaded into the Great Hall I heave my sword up and exhale deeply.

"Time to seek out a fight," I mumble and walk towards the front entrance once again.

As I get closer I notice that some of Thranduil's elves have start to filter in to help.

"Watch out!" Thranduil calls and rides right at me. I jump out of the way in time to watch him behead an orc behind me.

"You saved my life," I state breathlessly. That was too close.

"Yes well Tauriel is a friend," Thranduil replies with an almost smile.

He doesn't seem so bad.




Fighting with dragon like abilities is exhausting and exhilarating at the same time. It's exhausting because I'm burning a wall to weaken the army, shredding some foes with my new claws, and occasionally flying up to make sure all my friends are still alive. The exhilaration comes from the absolute power I posses, never in my wildest dreams would I have seen myself here, part dragon.

Smaug helps a lot by showering fire from above. I don't think he likes it though. Maybe it reminds of of the things he did while under the curse.

"Smaug!" I shout and he immediately lands by me. I bend over and hold my knees while panting heavily.

"We need more help. We need to get the dwarves to help," I cough out. I'm exhausted.

Around the battlefield Dain's army has begun to lose energy and Dain's boar has been butchered.

"Yer buggers!" Dain swears and swings his hammer. He is quite the fighter. "Thorin! Where's Thorin? We need him. Where is he?"

"I'll fly into Erebor and reason with the dwarves can you hold down the fort Smaug?" I ask.

"Definitely Lady Emily," Smaug promises and shoots back into the air. I take a deep breath and give myself a running jump to get into the air.

I can hear Azog shouting in black speech from here as I know what he's saying can't be good.

I need to get the dwarves.




"Fall back!" Bard orders loudly to his men. He is right to call them back. Orcs have overrun the ruined city.

Bodies of men and elves are scattered about everywhere.

I'm covered in the blood of orcs, men, and elves. I've been cut on my arm, leg, and took a bad hit to the stomach.

"This is hopeless," I utter and lean heavily against one of the old towers.

"Not hopeless no. We just need to keep fighting Lady Lacy," Bard says and pats my shoulder. "Maybe you should got to two the Great Hall."

"No, I need to fight. I will not hide away while my friends fight. I cannot."

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