Chapter One

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"Amidala Skywalker!"

Her mother's voice rang out like a trumpet through the Skywalker home. Ami knew that hiding from her mom was pointless, especially when she was mad. Ami had not yet controlled her powerswell enough to be able to block her presence from her mother. She knew that her mom had already found her and was coming.

So what if I practiced with her lightsaber? Ami thought, snapping off the blue blade that used to belong to her grandfather, I could be just as good as Jacen, or Jaina for that matter.

But you're not!

Ami looked up and saw her mother, Mara Jade Skywalker, looking down at her.


Ami could feel her mother probing the edge of her mind to confirm if she was telling the truth.

"Alright, I'm not mad, but I am disappointed. You know you're not supposed to use a lightsaber until you're ten..."


"...And even then the only one you can use has to be your own, not mine, and not your father's."


"And you know the rules and I suggest you stick to them, unless you want your father to hear about this?"

"No! That's okay, no lightsabers 'till I'm ten, just fine!"

"Good." Mara gathered her daughter up into a big hug.

You won't tell Dad then? Mara felt a surge of hopefulness in Ami's thought.

It will be our secret.

Ami hugged her mother even tighter.

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