Chapter Ten

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Luke gulped as he stood before the Jedi Council. He could feel the force covering the whole room as he studied all the Jedi Masters staring at him. Most were species he'd never even seen before, but others he recognized from the holocrons he'd found in Obi-Wan's hut on Tatooine and throughout the galaxy as he searched for records to use to train the New Jedi Order.

He saw Yoda right in front of him, green skin not as wrinkled as he had been when Luke watched him die. Seated next to Yoda was the skilled Jedi Master Mace Windu. Luke had studied a little bit about him. Many battles had he fought.

Oh great, Luke thought, Am I really starting to sound that much like Yoda?

"Master Skywalker," The wizened voice caught Luke's attention, and he looked up into the eyes of his old master. The lines that he remembered on Luke's face were not there. He looked younger, more powerful.

"Know why you are here, do you?"

"No Master," Luke said sheepishly. "I was hoping you could help us with that." Luke quickly glanced to his right. The only people with him right now were Mara and Obi-Wan. Han and Leia were waiting just outside, consenting to wait and let Luke and Mara figure it out.

"Jedi Kenobi, right you are, bringing these people to us. Know why they are here, we do."

"You do?" Luke looked at Mara for a seocnd and she grabbed his hand, waiting for the answer.

"We do, Skywalker," Master Windu nodded. "But this is for you and your family to discover on your own. Once your mission is complete, the object that brought you here will take you home and your lives will be back to normal. However, we cannot tell you your mission, but we can give you some clues. This has to do with your father, Luke. You need to tell him who you really are. He will understand, he is quite a clever boy you know. The rest even we do not completely understand, but we are certain everything will work out."

"I don't mean to be rude, Master," Luke apologized, "but how do you know all of this? You barely know anything about any of us."

"That may be true, Luke, but we recieved a vision of your coming and believe that we must not interfere with your mission here. Go, do what you must. And may the force be with you."


Leia and Han waited impatiently outside the door to the council room. Or rather, Leia waited impatiently. Han was acting relatively calm for a scoundrel.

How can he be so relaxed! Leia thought. We're stuck in another time period and we don't know how to get home. I've heard of faith in the force but this is ridiculous. He doesn't even have the force!

Leia, I do get the feeling that you're agitated, Came a voice in her mind.

Agitated isn't quite the way I would describe it, Mara, Leia answered her sister-in-law. What's going on in there?

Well, calm down, Luke's almost done. They say they know what we're supposed to do, but they can't tell us.

"WHAT?" Leia shouted out loud.

"Hey Leia," Han drawled, "I think I just got a snippet of one of your fun-loving talks with Mara. What gives?"

"Never mind," Leia shook it off. "I t was nothing. I'm going to check on the kids, I'll see you later." She walked off towards the wrong door, but stopped at Han's chuckle. She spun on her heel and marched off in the right direction with her head held high, but Han could tell she flushed.


Luke fell on the couch. Boy, that did nothing! He thought. They really didn't tell us a thing! Except that I have to tell Anakin who we really are. But what if he tells someone? Then Mara and I might be in danger, especially if he heard-

"Husband, dearest, you really must try to think a little quieter," Mara swept into the room. "No one can sleep with your thoughts circulating."

"Sorry," Luke said, "I guess I was just trying to find the point of us going to the council. I mean, it didn't really do anything. The only thing they really told us to do was tell Anakin we're related and that's one of the hardest things we could ever do-"

Luke was once again interrupted by two sets of arms running up and clobbering him.

"Daddy!" Ben shouted. "I knew you'd be alright! You saved Mommy too, right?"

"Saved Mommy from what, little Jedi?" Luke asked with a smile.

"From that bad man Ben dreameded," Ami said as if it were obvious, "He was gonna kill you but you wouldn't give up without a fight, right Daddy?"

"Umm...right," Luke said, a little confused. 

He must have had a force dream, Mara sent to him, not wanting to worry the kids.

That means it'll most likely come true. Luke added

Best we humor them so they won't worry. Mara agreed

"Right," Luke told Ben and Ami. "Mommy and I are just fine, don't worry, we'll be home soon."

"Good," said Ami. "I want to get back into my own bed."

"And I want to go back to our house!" Ben added. "This one has way less stuff in it."

Mara scooped Ami into her arms as Luke let Ben climb up onto his shoulders.

Yes, they would be going home soon.

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