Chapter Four

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"Is someone up there?"

Jaina froze. They were still on top of that palace-building. Someone had received Jaina's cry for help, but it wasn't the right person.

"Are you alright? Do you need help?"

Through the force, Jaina felt that the voice was a friend and not an enemy, so she answered back. "Yes, can you help us down?"

"Climb over the edge of the roof, I'll lower you down."

"What!" Jacen demanded, "That's like suicide!"

"Just trust me," the voice declared.

Reluctantly, the twins both started towards the building's edge. Just before they leaned over to see who was waiting below they both began to float in the air.

Someone was using the force!

Jacen looked at Jaina in surprise, and in a silent agreement they combined their powers to help the person inside. They were pulled through an open window and gently set on the floor.

Jacen looked around, considerably shaken, but grateful to be off the roof. He looked up at their savior, a very well-built man with the face of someone who was wiser than he gave himself credit. His hair was short, as if growing out of a buzz cut, and he was probably between eighteen and twenty years old. He was dressed in long brown robes, and Jacen could see the silver hilt of a lightsaber clipped to his belt.

As the oldest, Jaina introduced them. 

"Thank you so very much for finding us, sir. WE didn't know what to do when we found ourselves stuck on the roof. I'm Jaina Solo, and this is my twin brother Jacen Solo."

"It was no problem at all," their suspected Jadi said, "I was just on my way to see the queen when I heard your call. I haven't seen you around here before, are you Jedi?"

"Well, we're still in training," Jacen admitted.

"Who is your master?"

"Our aunt and uncle, Mara and Luke Skywalker." Jaina stated.

"Skywalker!" The stranger spat out.

"Yes, and if you don't mind could we get your name, please?" Jaina knew that reaction. Everyone knew about the legendary Rebel who blew up the Death Star and restored the Jedi Knights.

The stranger quickly overcame his surprise. "Oh yes, my name is Obi-Wan Kenobi."

Jaina's breath cut short. She could feel the surprise coming off of Jacen as well.

"Obi-Wan...Obi-Wan Kenobi?" Jacen questioned.

"Yes..." Kenobi said slowly. What was wrong with these two? Their mouths were wide open and they stared at him with gaping eyes.

"But you're dead!" Jacen blurted out. Jaina elbowed him in the ribs.

"Dead? Not the last time I checked, but I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for all of this."

"Uh, sure," Jacen muttered. "Tell 'em, Jaina!"

"Well, uh, you see...where we come're dead." Jaina sighed.

"And where do you come from?" Obi-Wan enquired.

"We're from, um..." Think, Jaina, think! "We're from Tatooine."

"I know where that is, and it is not a place that I wish to return."

"Tough luck," Jacen muttered under his breath.

"Perhaps Master Yoda can help you."

"Yoda!" Jacen exclaimed. "He died before we were born too!"

"Jacen be quiet!" Jaina scolded.

"Yet another problem I cannot solve.  Come with me, I have to retrieve Anakin from his quarters and then we'll visit the queen." Obi-Wan said, already striding down the hall with his cape billowing after him.

Jaina got a sick feeling in her stomach and she and Jacen followed Obi-Wan. "Anakin, who?" She asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

Obi-Wan hesitated. "Anakin...Skywalker."


"So this is it?" Luke asked.

"This is it," Kyp confirmed. "We wanted to study it but after what happened with Jaina and Jacen we figured we ought to leave it alone. So there it is, in the exact same spot it was twelve hours ago, when they disappeared."

Luke, Mara, Amidala, and Ben, along with Han, Leia, and Anakin, were in the jungles of Yavin IV, investigating the mysterious object. It was rather elaborate/ From far away it looked like nothing more than a rusted piece of old metal, but up close it was extraordinary. It was in the shape of an old hand mirror, with the sides done up with carvings of swirls and designs that were almost mesmerizing. Every two or three inches, a jewel was inlaid along the border of the mirror. Though the jewels were rusty and unclean like the rest of the mirror, you could still make out the colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet, along with three dull black stones cut as smoothly as the other jewels. Upon a closer inspection, Amidala saw that the violet and yellow jewels were lit up brighter than the rest.

"Why are two jewels lit up more than the rest?" Ami questioned. Ben looked up at his sister with big, questioning eyes and shrugged.

"Maybe it's because two people have touched it already," Luke hypothesized.

"Hey," Mara said, "Aren't violet and yellow the color of Jacen and Jaina's lightsabers?"

"That's right!" Anakin declared, "Wherever Jaina and Jacen went, more people have to go in order to make all the jewels glow, and those people have to have lightsabers those certain colors."

"What happens then?" Luke asked. "And what are the black ones for? I've never seen a black lightsaber before."

"Maybe they're for people without a lightsaber or who aren't Jedi?" Anakin suggested.

Everyone turned to look at Han.

"What?" He asked, "just because I'm not some all-powerful Jedi doesn't mean that I don't go on adventures too!"

"Well, we're not going to figure it out just standing here," Leia said, "Come on Luke," She reached over and grabbed her brother's hand, pulling him closer to the object. "I've got to find my kids!"

"Daddy, I want to go too!" Ben whined. He ran up to Luke, wrapping his leg in a death grip.

"Ben, let go!" Luke warned. He looked back and saw Leia reaching down to touch the object. 

"Leia, wait!" He pleaded.

"No, Leia!" Han cried.

But Leia wasn't listening. Still grasping Luke's hand the grabbed the artifact and instantly Luke, Leia, and Ben were all swallowed up in a blinding flash of light.

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