Chapter Six

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Mara gradually woke to her senses tugging at her. It was as if her mind wanted to get up but her body wasn't cooperating. Finally, she forced her eyes open.

She was on a ship, from the looks of it. Like the hanger, it was an older style, for the most part outdated. As she looked around, Mara noticed Luke sitting on the floor next to her bed with his face in his hands. He looked as if he'd been sitting there for a long time. On the other side of the room were two beds with Han and Anakin resting on them, and behind Luke was another bed with Ami resting on it. Thank the force she was still alive! 

With a smile, Mara reached down and tapped Luuke's shoulder.

He quickly sat up. "You're alive!" He exclaimed, gathering her into his arms. 

"I'm so glad you're okay."

Mara returned the hug, but Luke could sense her confusion. After a few moments of silence she spoke.

"Luke, where are we?"

He hesitated to answer, instead opening up his mind to let her explore. The sudden look of surprise on her face made Luke jump.

"Luke, are you telling me that we are more than fifty years into the past?" Her voice was rising, a signal for Luke to look anywhere but her eyes.

"Luke, tell me the truth." She softened her voice. "At least look at me," she pleaded.

He turned and looked into her eyes, and in all seriousness he said, "He's just a child, Mara. My father was a child once," he ignored the confused look on Mara's face and kept going. 

"Obi-Wan was his master. Ben looked so young, he was standing there, talking to me..." His voice trailed off and he broke eye contact, staring down at the floor.

He's finally cracked, Mara thought. 

I never thought it would happen, but Luke Skywalker has officially gone crazy. What is he talking about? Anakin Skywalker is dead! But didn't he say...yes, Jade, that's what he said. So we are fifty years into the past. I don't mind it much. I've gotten out of tougher situations than this.

...I think.

The door slid open and snapped Luke and Mara out of their reveries.A young man walked in, and Mara thought he looked a bit familiar.

"I hope that I'm not disturbing you, I just came to see if anyone had woken up yet, and I see that someone has!" The man said, sending a charming smile in Mara's direction

"Oh yes, excuse me," Luke said, "This is my wife, Mara Jade skywalker. Mara, this is Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Jedi Knight."

Mara's eyes went wide, her face turning ghostly white as she looked over at Luke. Luke just nodded, grinning helplessly at his overwhelmed wife.

Then Mara Jade Skywwalker, mother of Ben and Amidala Skywalker, wife of the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, former Emporer's hand, sister-in-law to Chief of State Leia Organa Solo and General Han Solo, aunt to Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo, Jedi Master, Guardian of peace and justice, defender of the universe, and protector of the force, fainted!


Jade, snap out of it! Luke sent to his wife. This is what, the third time today that you have blacked out on me?

"Will she be okay?" Leia asked. 

Luke looked over at his sister and smiled. "Of course, she does this all the time."

"Daddy, Ben and me are bored," Ami tugged on Luke's shirt. "When are we gonna go home? And when is mommy gonna wake up?"

While her brother tried to explain the situation to his young children, Leia snuck over to where Han was lying.

Sensing that he was just barely gaining consciousness, Leia gave him an extra shove with her mind and he snapped awake. When he saw her he gave her one of his famous lopsided grins. 

She smiled as she kissed his forehead. "Welcome back, stranger."

"So much for out honeymoon," Han groaned as he sat up.

"I don't know," Leia turned her gaze out the viewport next to Han's bed, "This looks like a good place to me."

Han's jaw dropped. "Leia, we're back on Corusaunt!"

"Yes," Leia nodded patiently. "But it isn't the same as you and I remember it..." 

And so Leia attempted to explain their predicament to Han.


"So let me get this straight," Luke sighed as he listened to his wife. After an hour of repeating everything at least ten times, even a Jedi Master can get impatient.

"Mara," Luke said, "I'm going to explain this to you one more time," he paused to let that phrase sink in, "And then you'll have to accept it just like veryone else did."

Mara nodded, and Luke continued.

"That man standing right over there is Obi-Wan Kenobi. The boy that he is training to be a Jedi is Anakin Skywalker, my father. We are about fifty years into the past. We have no idea how to get home, but-"Luke looked over at Obi-Wan, "I think we're in good hands."

Obi-Wan winked at Mara to confirm Luke's words. He was surprised with how well Luke was handling the situation, being back in time. Obi-Wan was surprised with himself, too. Normally he wouldn't have accepted the situation, just like Mara, and denied the whole thing, but it appeared that all the lessons from Qui-Gon were starting to pay off.

His comlink beeped, snapping him back to reality.

"Master Kenobi?" Anakin asked, "We're clear for landing. We should touch down in about five minutes."

Obi-Wan could sense the pride coming through Anakin's voice. "Good job, Ani. Take us down."

"Thank you, master!"

"Kenobi out."

"Actually, Kenobi, I still need to talk to you." A low male voice took over Anakin's on the comlink

"Supreme Chancellor, how are you today?" Obi-Wan said, admittedly overly cheerful.

"I'm fine, Kenobi, but I wish I could say the same about the senate." Obi-Wan could hear the chancellor sigh, "We need more Jedi Knights, Kenobi, we need more justice and peace. Just this month two more star systems have joined with Nute Gunray's Trade Federation."

"Perhaps you should discuss that with Master Yoda and Master Windu," Obi-Wan put in hastily. He hated discussing politics. It really wasn't a Jedi's business.

"Yes, I already have." There was almost an edge of bitterness in the chancellor's voice, but Obi-Wan must have imagined it. "Are you still training that young boy who saved Naboo? Young Skywalker?"

"Yes, and I can tell you he's the most advanced student in the temple." Obi-Wan tried not to sound prideful."

"So I've been told. Kenobi, when you get back, bring Anakin with you. I would like to...interview him."

Obi-Wan suddenly got a twisted feeling in his stomach, but quickly dismissed it as he agreed to the chancellor's instructions and switched off his comlink.

Palpatine? Bad?

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