Chapter Fifteen

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Seven Years Ago. Coruscaunt Hospital

"Luke! Luke!"

Luke Skywalker came barreling into the delivery wing of the hospital. "Has anything happened yet?" He asked his sister.

"I'm filing for a divorce!" A loud shout came from the open door at the end of the hall.

Leia grinned wryly. "I guess it's about to start."

"Thank you for bringing her here!" Luke said as he ran off.

"Good luck!" Leia hollered after him.

"Luke, I'm really not joking. Will you hurry up? I'm getting the divorce papers!"

He ran into the room and saw Mara attempting to sit up despite her major contractions.

"Skywalker..." She sneered.

Oh no, he thought, she called me by my last name again. That is not a good sign.

"Where have you been?" Mara screamed.

"Umm...would you believe me if I told you that I came late just to see you get mad?"

Luke ducked as a pillow was thrown at him.


Five hours later, it was all over

Congratulations, Luke! You're a father!" Leia entered the room with a white bundle in her arms. "And it's a girl!"

Luke looked over to Leia. He had stayed in the room with Mara and comforted the after the birth while Leia went with the doctors and the baby. The delivery had been hard on Mara, so Luke eventually put her in a delivery trance.

Leia gently placed the little girl into Luke's waiting arms.

She looks so much like Mara! Leia thought, watching her young niece.

"What are you going to name her?" She asked Luke.

"Mara and I both agreed Amidala if it was a girl."

"Amidala...that sounds familiar..."

"She was our mother, Luke reminded her. "Remember the dream I told you about?"

"Oh yes. It's a beautiful name, Luke. I'm know you'll be wonderful parents."


Mara slowly woke up as something nagged at the back of her head through the force.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty," Luke prompted her with a kiss on her forehead. "You wouldn't want to miss the chance to meet your daughter."

That brought Mara fully awake. "My daughter? Oh right! I've been in labor for the last six hours!" She said, pushing herself to sit up.

"Mara, I would like you to meet Amidala Jade Skywalker. Amidala, meet your mother."

Amidala looked up at Mara with bright aqua-colored eyes. At that moment, Mara Jade Skywalker's perspective of the galaxy immediately changed.


Mara shook herself, recalling the similar memory of Ben's birth.

Amidala had been when she truly lost her anger. That was when she had started to love Luke even more. Amidala, Ben, and Luke were her whole life now. All she had ever wanted in her life was a family, and Luke was the only one who ever accepted her or believed in her. He had given her chances over and over again and she had finally taken one by marrying him. Now she was going to do something that could tear them all apart.

What if I do this and I never find someone else? What if Luke and I never meet? Is is really worth it?

No, she thought. Nothing is worth losing that.

Oh great, Jade, you've gotten soft. But you know what, she thought, I really like it.

Mara Jade Skywalker turned around and ran back to their apartment.

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