Chapter Seven

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Amidala and Anakin watched out the window with wide eyes as the ship glided smoothly into Courasaunt's lower atmosphere. 

"So that's our home? In the past, I mean." Amiala asked.

"That's right, Ami," Anakin nodded. He was still surprised at the knowledge that his little cousin had. Ever since she was born they had a special link to each other. Sensing each other's emotions from time to time had helped both of them out of tough situations. 

Anakin smiled at the thought. He remembered the time he babysat Ami while Luke and Mara went to the hospital for the birth of Ben. She had only been three at the time but communicating with her had been no problem. It seemed as if that special link had started at her birth and lasted throughout the years. Anakin was so engrossed in thought that her didn't notice Jacen and Jaina sneaking up behind them.

"Mom wants us all to come to the med canter." Anakin jumped at the sound of his brother's voice.

"What's the matter, Anakin," Jaina teased her littlest brother, "Are we just to sly for you?"

"No!" Anakin defended. " My thoughts were just somewhere else."

"Well you have to come back to reality now, STAT! We're gonna be touching down in a few minutes and mom wants us strapped in."

"Oh yeah, she still does that motherly thing. Come on, Ami."


As the ship touched down on Corasaunt, Palpatine was watching through a window, with a disturbed look on his face.

Someone was on that ship. Someone that he knew all too well.

Except, he hadn't met her yet. 

Yes, it was a woman, very strong in the force. She felt his presence, he knew she did. He would have to keep a close eye on this one. She could destroy all of his plans for the Republic.

As the ramp came down he saw Kenobi with Skywalker, the Knight obliviously chuckling at he padawan's youthful energy. Next came a couple holding hands, followed by two small children. The man was strikingly familiar to Anakin, a relative perhaps? This man was even stronger in the force, perhaps even stronger than his companion. Palpatine studied her for a moment. Yes, that was the one.

He closed the curtain right after he made her black out. He didn't know how this "woman" would ruin his plans, but he wouldn't give her the chance.


"I hope that this room will be comfortable enough for you and your family," Obi-Wan said as he led Luke into an apartment next to the one rented for Han and Leia's family. Luke carried Mara in his arms after she'd unexpectedly blacked out again.

Probably just can't resist my charm, Obi-Wan thought. 

Trailing behind Luke were his children, Ben and Amidala Skywalker.

How interesting, he thought, she has the same name as the Queen of Naboo. I wonder where Luke thought of the name.

"This will be just fine," Luke said as he laid Mara on the couch. 

"Luke, may I ask you where you came up with the name Amidala?"

The young girl looked up at the mention of her name.

"I had a dream," Luke stated, ushering Ben and Ami into their temporary rooms. "It was very peculiar. A woman came to me and said she was my mother. I didn't know what to think, neither Leia nor I have very strong memories of our mother, but she said her name was Amidala. Mara and I woke up at the same time and found out that we'd both had the same dream. We had a feeling that was what we should name our first-born, and we did." Luke finished, a small smile on his lips.

"Well, you certainly have a lot of interesting stories," Obi-Wan admitted, heading for the door.

"Obi-Wan." Luke stopped him, "until we know how we're getting home, or what our purpose is here, I ask you to keep all of us a secret. Please? There is a man here, and if he knew about us it could destroy the whole future of the galaxy."

Obi-Wan opened his mouth to question Luke's worries, but Luke stopped him. "I cannot tell you his name for that would destroy the future. Master Yoda once told me 'Always in motion is the future,' but right now I already know the future. The future of your world is my present-day reality. This man destroys hundreds of lives in seconds. Revealing him would cause all those lives to be spared but would end other lives. My whole family would be lost from me, the future would become unknown even to me," Luke stopped, staring at the closed door that led to Ben and Ami's room. The two could be heard laughing and bouncing on the beds.

"And..." Luke's voice grew softer, "my father might still be alive, but it would destroy everything we've fought and suffered for. Please, just help us find a way home."

All Obi-Wan could do was nod.

Ani and Ami are adorable.

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