Chapter Nine

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"...So, I think that you are all here for a purpose, or to accomplish something that we, in our day, cannot achieve by ourselves." Obi-Wan finished. He had gathered all the unexpected visitors- except for the children, who were all playing together in Luke and Mara's room- in his chambers to wait for the call  from the Jedi council to see if they had some free time today. 

On his own, meanwhile, Obi-Wan was trying to figure out exactly why the force had brought these people to him, at this time.  Naturally, it was the force that planned out the future of everyone's life. Last night, Obi-Wan had spent hours meditating and he was explaining to the Skywalkers and the Solos the answer that he had recieved.

Leia sat on the other side of the couch pondering the words that Obi-Wan had said, trying to decide whether she believed him or not. Sure she knew that Obi-Wan was a powerful Jedi Knight in the past, or rather, the future. He wasn't at that level right now, and frankly, Leia had decided to classify him as crazy.

She looked over at her husband, trying to discern his opinion by studying his facial expression, but to no avail. He looked deep in thought, but nothing gave away what his true feelings were. Glancing back at Obi-Wan, she could tell that that he too was having doubts about his answer.

A bleep from the communicator made everyone sit up taller, heads snapping up as if they had all just awakened from a light doze.

Obi-Wan stood up to answer it, and Yoda's green face popped up onscreen.

"Jedi Kenobi. Recieved your message we have," he said.

"These people you found, bring them to us, you will."

Obi-Wan gave a slight bow. "Thank you, Master, we shall leave immediately." He shut off he comm. Turning around he was greeted with Luke's shocked face, jaw agape as he continued to stare at the spot where Yoda's face had been only a moment ago. Leia was waving her hand in front of Luke's face,  trying to snap him out of his doze. Han was still deep in thought, or maybe he had fallen asleep. Mara though showed no outside emotion.


"Ben Skywalker you come out here right now!" Jaina found herself yelling at her younger cousin. "I know you did it so there's no point in hiding!"

Ben had "Accidentally" made a hole in the door with Jacen's lightsaber while trying to warn his parents about...well, she wasn't sure what his motive was, but Jaina was about to find out.

Ben meekly came out from behind the couch. "I sorry Jaya," he said. "I just had to tell Mommy and Daddy about this feeling that I got."

That got Jaina's attention. Like her younger brother Anakin, Ben was very in tune with the force, and when he felt that something was wrong it shouldn't be taken lightly. 

"Why don't you explain it to me, Ben. Then if I think it's serious enough we can go find your parents." She held out her arms and Ben ran over and hugged her. After settling ben on her lap, Jaina asked about his "feeling" again. 

"Well, I see this man and he's standing by Mommy and Daddy. Both of them are on the ground like they died and the man has blue stuff coming out of his fingers and it looks like he's hurting Mommy and Daddy," Ben began to talk faster, heaving deep breaths quickly. Jaina could feel his fear flooding the force.

"Then- th-then, he turns to Mommy and says "You have betrayed me," and he kills her."

Ben burst into tears. "I don't want Mommy to die! Please Jaya, can we go to them and tell them?"

"Let's call them first," Jaina suggested. She didn't want to show it, but inside she was just as afraid as Ben was. Was this a vision? A Jedi Vision? 

Balancing Ben on her hip she turned on the comm and tried to call Uncle Luke. Then her parents. Then Obi-Wan's room.

Kriff, she thought. They'd already left for the Jedi council. At least at the ancient Jedi temple, no one could get to Mara and Luke without a hundred or more Jedi bearing down on them.

Ben's cries quieted to a whimper, and Jaina held her little cousin close.

What was she going to do now?

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