Chapter Thirteen

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Anakin Skywalker paced back and forth nervously. Something was about to happen. He could feel it through the force.

Something was wrong.


Luke Skywalker paced back and forth nervously. How could he tell Anakin? It had to be done today, he might as well just go and do it.


"Anakin, I know this may come off as a shock to you but...but...oh gosh! I can't do this!" Luke was trying to practice what he would say to Anakin in front of the mirror, but nothing he thought of came out sounding right.

"Luke, you worry too much," his wife said. "Remember that the council said that this is what we have to do to get home. So no matter how much you fight it, it still has to be done."

"So will you do it?"


"It'll make me feel a whole lot better!" Luke begged Mara.

"Come on, Luke!" Mara slapped his shoulder. "It can't be that bad. Just tell the kid you're his son. You know, Obi-Wan said he's a brilliant boy, he'll probably figure it out before you tell him."

"Good!" Luke jumped up. "That means I don't have to do it anymore!"

"Hold it, farm boy," Mara grabbed Luke by the shoulders and pushed him back into his chair. "You still have to do it."

"But why?" Luke asked in the whiniest voice he could muster.

Mara rolled her eyes. Sometimes it felt like she had three children instead of two. 

What a baby!

I resent that, Mar.

Resent what?

What you just said.

Well, it's true. 

Is not! Luke, without meaning to this time, once more sounded very whiny.

I've proven my point! Mara sent to him as she slammed the door in his face.


Leia gulped as she entered Anakin's quarters. She still felt kind of weird around Anakin. After all, it was hard to think someone this innocent could become something so evil. And now, she had been chosen to reveal to Anakin who she and Luke really were. "By the force," Luke told her.

Yeah, right! She thought. And 99.9% of that "force" was from your own natural instinct to put all the weight on my shoulders.

Obi-Wan must have picked up on her thoughts. "It's okay," he whispered. "Anakin will understand."

Leia smiled up at him. At least someone was here to help her. Mara had said that she and Luke needed to discuss something very important and couldn't come with her. Amid her frustration, Leia choked back her fear and proceeded.

"Anakin, pleased to see you again." she said, shaking his hand. "I've come here to tell you something that I'm not sure you'll fully understand, and-"

"I already know what you're going to say!" Anakin blurted out. Leia jumped at the sound of his voice. It sounded so much like her baby boy, Anakin.

"How would you know, Padawan?" Obi-Wan asked, stepping forward.

" Kenobi, sir...I...I was feeling this disturbance in the force, and it was all focused around Mister Luke. I just wanted to help, so...I might have gone a little too far into his thoughts...?"

"Anakin!" Obi-Wan exclaimed, "You broke through the barriers of a fully trained Jedi Master!"

"Welll, he was pretty tense. I don't think he was focusing a lot on keeping his metal barriers strong." Anakin defended.

"Darn right he was tense," Leia said, feeling her own anger rising at the breach of privacy. Imagine that, a daughter being in the position of scolding her father.

"Tense trying to figure out how to tell me to tell you!" She sighed.

"So I guess you know. Hey dad."

Anakin looked up, surprised. "Dad?" That's kind of weird, considering that I'm only twelve years old and I don't even have a girlfriend."

"Don't get too excited." Leia whispered to herself.

"It isn't over yet.


"So what did you want to talk to me about, Luke?"

Luke stared hard at his wife. "I've been having these dreams about you, Mar. They all tell me that you''"

He looked up at her with sad eyes. "That you're planning something."

Mara's eyes flashed with surprise and regret. "What!? How could you have known? I didn't want you to find out! I mean, I would have told you eventually, but I didn't want you to try and stop me and I...I..." Mara's incredulous defense melted away and she slumped back into her seat.

Luke was confused, reaching out to squeeze her shoulder. "Mara, I don't know what you're planning. It's just that these dreams have been coming non-stop telling me that I have to stop you. Please, tell me what it is. Maybe we can work something out?"

Mara sighed and looked up at him. "Alright, I'll tell you..."

Luke's eyes continued to grow wider and wider as Mara Jade told him of her plan to kill the future Emperor Palpatine.

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