Chapter Eighteen

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This time, Luke gradually awoke to the force tugging insistently at him, like there was something hid needed to see.

As he opened his eyes, he was surprised to find that instead of a strange room, he and Mara were lying in their own bed, in their own home back on Coruscaunt!

Immediately Luke leaped from the bed and scanned the whole house, just to make sure. Still confused, he came back to the bedroom to find Mara just sitting up with the same frightened-confused mix of expressions on her face.

He looked at her and smiled. "I guess we did it."

"I told you so, farmboy," Mara smiled back and ran into his outstretched arms. Their crying and laughter naturally brought their children to the bedroom doorway, rubbing their eyes and looking up at their parents, just as confused as Luke and Mara had been.

"Well, guys, it looks like we're home!" Luke said, swinging Ben and Ami up into his arms. "Hey, I wonder how Leia and Han's family are doing?"

"What do you mean, daddy?" Ami asked, "we've always been home."

Luke stopped.

"Ya," Ben agreed with his sister, shimmering down his father's leg to run and hug his mother. "Except just last night we went to the holo-film with Grandma and Grandpa."

"Wait," Luke said as Ami jumped down to say good morning to Mara. "Did you say "Grandma and Grandpa"? As in, your Grandma and Grandpa?"

"Oh yes!" Aim grinned. "They are ours, daddy. Actually they are mommy's parent's right? Because they're Grandma and Grandpa Jade." She said confidently.

Mara would have passed out then and there if the holo-phone hadn't rung. Luke left Mara staring at the kids in bewilderment while he went to answer it. Maybe it was Han and Leia and he could get some answers about how Ami and Ben were acting weird.

However, when he answered the comm, two unfamiliar faces popped onto the screen.

On a second glance, they did look a bit familiar...

"Congratulations, son!" They said with huge smiles.

"Um..." Luke was more confused than when he had woken up barely five minutes ago.

"Oh don't be so sheepish, boy," The man on screen chuckled heartily. "This one is what, your third?"

"Wait, what do you mean third!?"

"You don't have to be modest with us, Luke," the woman said. Her graying hair was in an elegant bun, not a hair out of place, and even though Luke could only see her top half, he could plainly see the elegant- bordering on extravagant- gown that she was wearing.

"Why now you and Leia will be even!" She finished.

Then the realization hit him. "Mom? Dad? You..."

"Luke, you're starting to scare us. If you want to be a Skywalker you have to be a mooring person, just like you're old man."

"My old man-?" Luke felt like the air in his apartment was getting thinner, heaving for breath.

"Oh Luke are you getting sick? Maybe that morning sickness of Mara's is wearing off on you."

"Oh Amidala for the love of the force he's a grown man now. He doesn't need a mother breathing down his neck!"

"Well, someone has to look out for him, Anakin!" Amidala argued back.

"That's what he's got a wife for!" Anakin pointed out.

"I don't mean to interrupt this, but I think I'm gonna-"

And right then and there, Luke Skywalker fainted for the first time in his life.

Well guys, that's the end of the story my aunt wrote. I hope you liked it! I'm still trying to come up with ideas for Star Wars fics of my own because that series is one of my favorite fandoms and the EU was my childhood. So, since it is no longer canon, I have to promote it in the best way I know how: Writing fanfiction! And I will continue to write for as long as my fingers have feeling. 

For now, however, I have a crossover of Jaina joining up with a few DC Superheroes in my book "Sword of the Lanterns" and it's sequel coming soon "Peace of the Jedi". If you have ideas I will gladly consider writing them! I am still trying to read whatever EU books I can get my hand on, and my aunt just gave me a ton for Christmas, so this new year should be awesome!

Happy 2017 everyone!

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