Chapter Fourteen

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The secret was out. Mara was planning to kill the Emperor.

Or rather, the Supreme Chancellor, the Emperor-to-be.

Why would she do this? Luke thought. Doesn't she know this will tear us apart? I don't think my heart can take any more of these separations. I specifically told Obi-Wan not to tell anyone about us, and now Mara just goes off and tries to kill the Emperor!

What do you mean "try" farmboy? I'm doing it!

Mara, please, think about what you're doing! What about Ami and Ben? What about Leia and Han?

What about us? Luke begged.

What about the people of Alderaan, Luke? Mara's tone was cold and determined. What about the countless lives that suffered from the injustice of the Empire! Taking Palpatine out of the picture eliminates all of that.

Luke suppressed a shudder at the thought of his dreams. No one knew what visions meant. There was only the slightest chance that killing the Emperor now would reset their entire future, but Luke didn't want to take the slightest chance of losing his friends, his children, and his wife.

He remembered the words of Yoda, spoken to him so long ago on Dagobah.

"You would sacrifice all that you have fought for a suffered."

We don't know what could happen instead. It could turn out worse! With a crueler Emperor!

He could sense Mara's hesitation.

It has to be done. She said. She was convinced that this had been what they were sent back to the past to do.

We have to take the chance. We have to take the chance that countless lives will be spared, and you don't know about us. If we are meant to be together, then we will always end up with each other, no matter where we are. The same goes for Leia and Han.

It has to be done.

With that, Mara masked her presence from the force, and to his terror Luke could no longer sense her.


Luke pounded on the door to Obi-Wan and Anakin's living quarters.

Obi-Wan opened the door in a hurry. "What's wrong, Luke?" He asked.

"Mara has gone crazy! She's planning to murder Palpatine!" Luke exclaimed.

"The Supreme Chancellor?" Obi-Wan asked suspiciously. Luke suddenly remembered that he had not told Obi-Wan the true identity of the future Emperor.

"There's no time to explain, but it will completely destroy the future and she thinks it will save it!"

"Why, what does Palpatine do?"

"Only the worst, my friend."

Obi-Wan accepted the answer for now, sensing the truth of Luke's words through the force. "Where is Mara now?"

Luke shook his head. "She locked herself in our bedroom before I left. I had a heck of a fight with her and she's probably making more plans as we speak. You have to help me stop her, please?"

"I'll go get Anakin. You round up everyone else and well meet in your quarters in fifteen minutes."


Mara Jade Skywalker moved through the halls of the ancient Jedi temple like a shadow. How dare Luke try to stop her like that! She couldn't let him.

The Emperor's Hand took orders from no one, so long as the Emperor was dead. She didn't need that poor, pathetic excuse for a Skywalker trailing behind her! She could do this on her own.

She stopped on the front steps of the temple, looking up at the Coruscaunt sky. It was night on this side of the planet, Ami and Ben were probably asleep right now. At least, they were supposed to be.


Mara stopped. Who was that?

Mommy, I had a bad dream.

What should I do? Mara thought to herself. She knows it's me she's found, I might as well try to calm her.

I'm right here, Ami. Everything will be fine. Go back to bed.

But you're far away Mommy. I can't feel you in the house.

I just have to go do something, that's all. Try to go back to sleep. Mara sent reassuring thoughts to her daughter's mind.

But what about Daddy? He seems really worried about you when I try to feel for him.

Daddy is fine. Don't worry about us, Ami. Just make sure you and your brother stay in bed.

Okay Mommy, I love you.

Mara had tears streaming down her face. I know sweetie, I love you too.

If there was one thing Mara couldn't comprehend, it was a life without her children.

Her thoughts turned back to the birth of Ami.

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