Chapter Five

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Jacen and Jaina followed Obi-Wan Kenobi through the halls of the palace, making their way towards "Anakin Skywalker's" room. Obi-Wan had informed them that it was a palace on a planet called Naboo, in the the capital city of Theed.

As they walked along, Jaina got a funny feeling, almost as if her mom and Uncle Luke were getting closer! But that was impossible, they had to be more than fifty years into the past! But still, when the Solos got a feeling...

"Jacen? Jaina?" They both stopped at the sound of their mother's voice.

Jaina whirled around first. "Mom!" She yelled with delight, already hugging her.

"Uncle Luke!" Jacen ran up to them, surprised, but relieved.

Obi-Wan walked up and shook Luke's hand. "Thank you so much for helping my neice and nephew, sir. I'm Luke Skywalker, and this is my sister Leia Organa Solo, the mother of these two." Luke ruffled Jacen's hair.

"Don't forget me!" A little voice peeped. They all looked down to see little Ben Skywalker waving up at them with one hand, and holding his father's hand with the other.

"We wouldn't forget you, little one," Obi-Wan smiled, stooping down to the child's height, "What is your name?"

"I'm Ben Skywalker!" He said proudly, "and when I grow up I'm gonna be a Jedi Knight, just like my dad!" 

Luke turned red. "Well, you certainly will try." He said quickly. "Tell me, sir, were these two much of a trouble to you?"

"Well," Obi-Wan started, "I was a bit worried when I found them on the roof-"

"On the roof!?" Leia exclaimed.

"Yes, I had no idea what they were doing up there, but it was no problem getting them down."

Luke got a strange feeling as he listened to this man speak. Almost as if he knew this person. His presence felt like...

"By the way, my name is Obi-Wan Kenobi." He finished.

Luke stumbled, but Jacen and Jaina were there to catch him. 

"You''re...Ben, but I thought...." Luke was too stunned to speak, and LEia was as white as a ghost.

"Are you alright?" Obi-Wan questioned. "Jacen and Jaina acted surprised too. Have you heard of me?"

"Well, yes..." Leia said, "but you''re..."

"Dead?" Obi-Wan chuckled, "Yes, that is what these two told me. Although, I'm not sure that I fully understand yet.

"It's kind of a long story," Luke admitted.

"Perhaps I already know some of it," Obi-Wan said. "Luke, do you happen to know an Anakin Skywalker?"

It was Leia's turn to faint, but Luke caught her. Now his face wore an unusually calm expression. Maybe he had known it was coming. 

"Excuse our actions, Obi-Wan, but Anakin Skywalker was...he was...he is...our father."

Luke finished.

"And our grandfather," Jaina looked at Jacen, who had picked up Ben to keep him from wandering off.

Obi-Wan looked just as confused as the rest of them.

"Suddenly Luke knew."

"What year is it here?"

Obi-Wan named a figure.

"Yah," Jacen scoffed, "That's like fifty years before we were born."

"Jacen will you just keep your mouth shut!" Jaina fumed.

"Well, that's definitely not the year we live in," Luke admitted.

Obi-Wan was about to answer when he was interrupted by a voice from down the hall.

"Master Kenobi, Master Kenobi!"

A young boy in simple brown robes similar to Obi-Wan's ran around the corner. 

"Master Kenobi, Pad-Amidala has been waiting. The transport is ready to take us back to Coruscaunt but no one could find you! Who are these people?" He asked, just now seeing the Skywalkers and Solos.

"Padawan, these are my friends; Luke, Leia, Jacen, Jaina, Anakin, and young Ben."

"Hello," the boy nodded politely.

"Friends, this is my padawan. Anakin Skywalker.

Luke and Leia looked down at Anakin Skywalker, their father. He had to be younger than Jacen and Jaina, around eleven or twelve years old, and his hair was shaved in a buzz cut style similar to Obi-Wan's, with a tiny braid hanging over his right shoulder.

Leia looked like she was going to hurl but Luke stayed calm. "Pleased to meet you, Anakin." He shook the boy's hand. "How long have you been training?"

"About three years. Obi-Wan took me as an apprentice when Qui-Gon died."

"Who's Qui-Gon?" Jaina asked. She'd never heard that name before.

"My former master," Obi-Wan said sadly. "He was killed by a Sith Lord around the time that we met Anakin."

"Yeah! And then Master Kenobi killed him for revenge on Qui-Gon!" Anakin said proudly.

"Well that was a long time ago," An embarrassed Obi-Wan said. "I think it's about time we prepped the ship. Why don't you do it this time, Anakin? I'll be along shortly."

"Yes sir!" Anakin said, and with a wide smile he ran off the way he'd come.

After he left, Obi-Wan stared at the shellshocked Skywalkers and Solos, wondering who these people really were.


The jungles of Yavin IV were quiet. No sound could be heard. A few miles from the Jedi Academy five stunned people lay gazing at a priceless artifact. 

Han was the first to recover. Standing up, he noticed two more of the jewels- green and red- were lit up, and one of the black ones were sparkling.

Without a word he grabbed Anakin's hand, pulled him to his feet, and started walking towards the object.

"Han, what are you doing?" Mara asked, helping Ami to her feet. Kyp was the only one who remained unconscious, but Mara had a feeling he didn't need to be involved in this.

"We have to find them!" Han said through clenched teeth. "There are four more jewels on that thing, and until they glow, nothing is gonna happen!"

"But Han, what about Ami? What is she going to do if we leave?"

"Bring her. She'll want to see her daddy again." Han said somberly. 

Bringing Ami with her to wherever Luke, Ben, and the others had disappeared to was next to unthinkable for Mara, until Ami tugged on her tunic hem.

"Mommy? What happened to dad?"

That did it for Mara. She grabbed Amidala's hand and marched over to the object next to Han. All at once they reached down and touched the object.

The next few minutes were all a blur to Han. Lights flashed everywhere and colors turned on and off. His body was flailing in mid air and he had not sense of anyone or anything around him, until he heard Ami scream.


When Mara awoke they were in a docking bay of some kind, the architecture ancient and outdated. She saw Han, Anakin, and Amidala lying close to her, all unconscious, with the object lying in the middle of the foursome.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw several blurry figures walking in the distance. The sense of a familiar presence snapped her back to reality. Luke! Luke was there!

Silently sending him a cry for help, she raised her hand with all the energy she had left. 

Seeing him turn to her and come running, Mara blacked out.

Lots of fainting, so far, eh? I'm sorry for the cliche but it's going to be a big pattern in this book ;) 


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