Chapter Eleven

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Luke was tossed into a torrent of nightmares. the faces of old enemies and forgotten friends appeared before his own.

Uncle Owen.



The Emperor.

Darth Vader.

The last face he only caught a glimpse of- Mara!

He tried to hold that image, but his concious left it as a forgotten memory.

What's happening to me? He wondered. It's like my life is going in reverse...

Indeed it was. All his adventures and trials were running away without him. The friends that he made, the adventures he experienced, all of his life was being taken away from him.

His life was becoming as if the Empire had never existed.

He never met Han and Chewie and went to rescue Leia. He never blew up the Death Star. He never had turn his father from the dark side and defeat the Emperor. 

Then he saw Leia. She was still with him.

"Leia," he asked, "What's happening?" For the first time in a long time, Luke felt afraid.

"This is your past, Luke. This is what your past would be if father had never turned to the dark side." Her face was emotionless, placid.

"But why are you still here?"

"I'm your sister, Luke. We'll be together no matter what. But as for Mara..." She looked into the distance, where a ghost-like figure of Mara was starting to fade away.

"Mara! NO!" Luke screamed as he dashed to her. As quickly as she had appeared, Mara was gone. 

Luke fell to his knees."No! Leia! Why is this happening? This isn't how it's supposed to be! We were supposed to have a normal life from now on. What are you trying to tell me?"

When Luke looked back, Leia was gone. In her place was a woman who looked relatively similar to Leia, but not quite. She had dark brown hair and chocolate eyes. Her expression was soft but her face was very serious.

"Luke, do you remember me?" She asked.

Luke thought hard, but nothing clicked. Then it hit him.


"That's right, Luke. I am Queen Amidala Padme Naberrie." The woman couldn't have been much older than Luke was, but she smiled at him the way he looked at Amidala and Ben.

"You're so grown up," She praised. "I'm so proud of all you have done, especially bringing Anakin back to me. I was so worried you would turn out like him, but we both knew there was that little good inside of him. Ani and I owe you everything."

"Then why are you here?" Luke asked. "To tell me some more bad news?"

"Actually, yes. You need to talk to your wife. She has thoughts brewing, dark thoughts that could destroy her relationship with you."

"But mother, Mara's gone. She's not with me anymore."

"Luke, you're dreaming. This is just a vision of what would happen if Mara fulfills the task that she is planning. You must convince her not to, Luke, for both your sakes. For Han and Leia, for your children. He plan would make so many lives happy, but it is not what the balance of the force requested. Something else could go wrong, and then the whole galaxy would suffer even greater."

"Mother, I still don't understand." Luike said impatiently.

"Talk to Mara. She will tell you the truth." Padme assured him. 

"Goodbye, my son." She turned to leave.

"Wait, mother!" Luke cried out, but then he stopped.

another figure had appeared beside Amidala. Luke knew this figure all too well.

"We're all counting on you, Luke." He said. "Don't let us down."

then both figures drifted into darkness, leaving Luke alone.

"I'll try my best...father." 


Jaina's the best babysitter, isn't she?

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