Chapter Sixteen

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Obi-Wan paced back and forth nervously. What was this all about? Why did Mara want to do this? Was Palpatine really that bad? His thoughts were interrupted by Luke, Han, Leia, Anakin, Jacen, and Jaina entering.

"Where are your kids, Luke?" He asked.

"They're still asleep. I figure that they wouldn't want to see their mother kill someone!" By now Luke's voice was up to a yell.

"Luke calm down!" Leia's voice matched her brother's.

"Nothing bad is going to happen!"

She rethought that statement. "I hope."


Mara stopped just outside of Obi-Wan's quarters. She had traced Luke this far, now she wanted to know what they were planning to do to her now that she was "crazy", as Luke had put it.

"-see their mother kill someone!" She heard Luke shout, followed by Leia's own beautiful rebuff.

Having heard enough, Mara quietly opened the door.

"Sorry to make you worry so much," she said sweetly, sweeping into the room.

"Mara, we have to talk," Luke started. Mara stopped him.

"Look, Luke, I now know what I was trying to do was wrong and I know you were right." Everyone in the room started at her wide-eyed in surprise.

"You might say that our child taught me the most important lesson I have or will ever learn in my life."

A smile spread across Luke's face as he pulled her in for a kiss. After they broke he was still smiling.

"Mara Jade how do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Make me fall in love with you countless times over."

"Well, why would you stop loving me, Skywalker?"

Luke shrugged. "You have to admit that morning breath is enough to drive any man away.

Obi-Wan, knowing how Mara reacted, quickly pulled Luke away before Mara could slap him.

"Thanks," Luke said.

"Not a problem. I don't mean to interfere with your little conversation, but shouldn't you be figuring out how to get home now?"

"Well," Luke smirked at his future father, "I think little Anakin over here is supposed to figure it out. The council said that as long as we told him who we were that we would be able to go home!"

"Why does everything have to be placed on me?" Anakin Skywalker threw his hands up in the air. "I saved Naboo, saved Padme, left my home, and I barely get to see my mother. I must have bad luck or something."

Leia reached over and riddled his hair like she often did with her sons. "Don't worry, Dad," she said, mocking him in a much more lighthearted tone than she ever dared to with Vader, "We'll help you through this."

"Yeah dad, you can count on us," Luke joined in.

"Come on, just leave me alone," Anakin shoved their hands away, "It's bad enough my kids are here, do they really have to be this annoying?" Anakin stormed out of the room into his bedroom.

"It just gets worse, kid. Wait until you actually have to raise us!" Luke shouted after him.

He doesn't actually raise us. Leia reminded Luke.

I know, but we can't reveal the future. Luke reminded right back. Huh, I wonder if he knows mom yet.

Why don't we ask him? Leia half-rose to follow Anakin.

After you, sister dear.

You always make me do the hard part!

That's what sisters are for, duh! Get to it, sis! Luke gave her a little push towards Anakin's room

"Oh wait!" Leia said out loud, "I told him about being his kids. You get to ask him about this."

"Fine," Luke muttered under his breath. "Bossy sister."

"What was that, Luke?" Leia asked, her children laughing at the tone usually unleashed on them.

"I said but of course, dear sister of mine!" Luke sped after Anakin to find out about their mother.


Mara sat back on the couch, analyzing the situation. She had effectively lied to her husband.

Quite the accomplishment, she thought to herself, I just hope he doesn't catch up too soon.

"Han," she told her brother-in-law, "I'm going to check up on my kids."

And Mara walked out the door to murder the soon-to-be Emperor.

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