Roxas vs Sora

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[Namine POV]

At last the gummi ship had landed and everybody came out.

"kairi!!!" i shouted

kairi looked back and smiled. we hugged and exchaged smiles

"Namine, who are these people?" asked Roxas

"Roxas, this is kairi."

they shook hands

"Roxas, this is the boy i want you to meet. his name is Sora"

Roxas just looked at Sora with a somewhat pissed off face.

"hiya there Roxas im Sora" Sora said trying to introduce himself

[Roxas POV]

Sora tried to introduce himself to me, but i didnt like him. but namine seemed to trust him, so i could at least try.

"Hi, Sora." i greeted him with a blank expression

Namine seemed to notice my emotions bcause she began to look worried.

i took a glance at Sora, and instantly i got infuriated. Memories of the orginazation came rushing to my head, and also my friends from twilight town. it was bcause of him that i lost them. it was bcause of him that Axel is gone.

a tear rolled down my eye

"Roxas, whats wrong?" asked namine

without hesitation i pulled out my keyblade(kingdom key) and pointed it at Sora

Sora smiled and said "hey, i got one of those to"

i charged

Riku stepped in the way, but i pulled out my second keyblade(another kingdom key) and slashed him away.

now Sora was getting the memo bcause he pulled out his keyblade too.

i slashed at his side but was blocked by soras key. i slashed towards the opposite side, and knocked Sora outside the launch deck

"what are you doing have you lost your mind???" exclaimed sora

i said nothing

i put one of my keyblades away and got my stance ready to destroy Sora.

"alright fine, you asked for it" said sora and outa nowhere he turned red and pulled out another keyblade.

i blinked and he wasnt there anymore, i caught a glimpse of him to my left.

i tried to block but he some how managed to attack from the right.

[Namine POV]

Roxas attacked Sora out of nowhere. and now theyre going at it like beast, but it seems like sora is winning.

"Sora went into valor form" said kairi next to me

"valor...form?" i repeated

"yes, normally he cant do it with out goofys help, but he trained and trained until he could do it with out goofy, but id never thought he'd use it at a time like this."

"but he's too fast and his power looks to be outrageous"

"yea, its the forms ability. valor. gives it caster speed and strength, unlike which youve never seen"

i could only watch as my boyfriend was getting clobbered, by the boy I wanted him to meet.

[Roxas POV]

after fighting him for some time now, my body began to feel like lead.

i was just about to give up but then Sora dealt a blow directly at my ribs.

my consiences gave out


hiya there guys, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. i havent been writing, bcause ive been having to work. hopefully in a few days i will get another ipod. nd i will see if i can write from there. i noticed that that my capitalization isnt working. so please bear with me. comment,vote,like. tell your friends.

if u have any suggestions youd like to make for my story or for me to make another different story. pleaase do tell. thank you nd see you guys next time


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