Roxas and Namine

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I hope you all like it,this is only my first story so hopefully you like it

Chapter1 "Roxas,can you come here sweetie?"called Namine from the other room

"I'm coming"Roxas called back

Roxas walked toward the kitchen were Namine was standing.

"Can you help me reach that bowl please?"asked Namine

As Roxas reached to get the bowl the house started to shake,plates,cups,and silverware were falling and shattering whence they hit the ground.

"What's happening?"Namine shouted

Roxas took Namine by the hand and opened up a dark portal.

"Are you ok?"asked Roxas

Namine looked up at Roxas,her eyes were beady,as if almost in tears.

Roxas then inched closer to her,lips only centimeters apart from eachother. Roxas then kissed Namine.

"I am now,thank you Roxas. But why bring us here?"

Roxas observed his surroundings.

"Is this the Disney castles library?"

"It seems that way."

"Who's there?" Called a female voice

"Your majesty." Said Namine in polite reverence.

"Is that you..oh it is you,Namine! Cheered Queen Minnie

Namine and Quenn Minnie exchanged hugs.

"Oh,why hello there,Sora."greeted Minnie Roxas

"With all do respect your majesty,I'm not Sora. I'm Roxas"responded Roxas

The Queens expression seemed to sadden.

"Oh,forgive me Roxas,I was really hoping you were Sora"

"But why?"

"Xehanort has returned"Minnie said in a dark voice

Just then Roxas collapsed.

"Roxas.Roxas,Roxas!!!he heard Namines voice,starting to fade

So many memories going through Roxas's mind,people he didn't know,blue creatures,a boy who had a crazy resemblance to Roxas.a woman with blue hair,and a third man.they where laughing like best friends.

Roxas awoke with a fright,sweat drenched the covers.

"How did I get here?" Roxas said,surveying the room,he saw Namine in a bed next to his. Then the door opened,then he saw two figures come in,one was tall and skinny with horn on its head,the next one was smaller and also seemed to have a horn. Roxas couldn't tell in the dark,also his vision was blurry from his collapse earlier,going on the defensive he pulled out the keyblade(kingdom key). He charged at the tall one first,Roxas brought the key down with a hard swoop,the figure pulled out a weapon of its own and blocked his attack.

"Ahyuck!this sure is strong."said the tall one

"No duh,he's a keyblade wielder!"shouted the smaller one

"Come on Donald,ya don't hafta yell at me"

"Well deal with it"said the one who was apperantly named Donald

"You know what you can do that's could turn the lights on!"


The room lit up,Roxas shielded his eyes from the brightness.

"You sure gave us all a scare there,Sora"said Donald

"Ummm...Donald I don't think that's Sora"

"What are you saying,how is that not Sora?"

"Donald,is it? He's right I'm not Sora,my names Roxas"

"WHA!?!?!"gasped Donald

"Ahyuck,hiya Roxas,my name is goofy and the grouchy one over there is Donald "

"Who are you calling grouchy"asked Donald

The three if them just laughed. Roxas turned back to see Namine waking up. She rubbed her eyes.

Roxas walked towards her, only able to keep steady for nothing much more than a few steps Roxas collapses once again,but this time still conscientious, Donald and Goofy helped him up

"I think you should rest a but longer" suggested Goofy. Roxas nodded his head. Just then Roxas fell into a deep sleep

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