Roxas isn't who we think he is! Namine has a special power! Xehanort is back stronger than ever! Something happens to Mickey! Xion returns! Vanitas too! Read to find out the true ending of kingdom hearts
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Roxas P.O.V.
Terra charged towards Vanitas but was suddenly stopped in his tracks by a sudden change in the terrain, what was once land became a rising cliff.
Terra was knocked back, a bit confused, stayed where he was.
Aqua quickly rushed past him, but meeting keys with Vanitas. It was a fierce clash, sparks flew everywhere, it was watching two dragons of light and dark, fighting to see who's ideals where the better.
Terra snapping out of his confusion began to rush towards Xehanort, trying his hardest to dodge the clash between Aqua and Vanitas, but was interrupted by a snake of keyblades, but being the powerhouse he is, brushed aside the keys.
I began to move myself. I've been in many fights before but I was never in any situation like this, exam or not, this was war.
~Some Time Later~
Aqua was struck down, only about half of her helmet had remained, but she payed no attention to her own injuries as she cast a spell on Terra, creating a barrier-protecting him from any further harm. I saw an opportunity and dashed as quick as my fever pitch would take me. Quickly reaching the top of the cliff where Xehanort and Terra were fighting, I saw an opening and took it.
'I got him!' I thought to myself
I was so wrong.
Xehanort disappeared and reappeared behind me, catching me in mid air by the back of my helmet. I tried to struggle out of his grip, with no succession. Terra was blasted off the cliff with a magic spell, and I began to feel my body grow cold. My mind began to race, my heart began to pound, and I felt my blood grow cold. I met Aqua's eyes, they where filled with worry and fear.
As fast as I met her eyes, they were gone in a flash. My world began to spin, crash, tumble, roll, and hurt.
Time began to slow and every single happy memory I had, was beginning to flash before my eyes.